Avoidance tactics

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Just as I sit at the kitchen counter questioning whether I should really attend the fight or not after this mornings craziness and the thought of seeing Tommy my phone rings and it's Dylan.

"Hey you" he chuckles chirpierly as I answer

"Hey you ugly. What's up?" I tease him

"Your dad left his phone in his office. He wants you to bring it to the fight as he has to go out with the agents later. He said can you bring it to Hunters  room before the fight?!" Dylan explains and from the rowdy sounds in the background I can tell he is already there.

"Can't you come get it?" I ask sighing deeply trying to work out what the hell is going on in my head.

"No can do I'm already here and got jobs to do! You know you can't avoid him forever" well from the tone of Dylan's voice he knows something is going on. God he must hate me.

"Huh, who? What?" I fire questions in a stuttered mess surprised by his words.

"Grayson, my brother. The very scary man that want you at any cost" Dylan laughs clearly amused by this situation.

"What are you talking about? Grayson isn't interested in me he is just acting weird cos I'm back and he is just being protective"

"Oh my god how blind are you? Grayson has feelings for you. He always has" Dylan chuckles explaining things that leave me in shock.

"Yeh right me and every other single female on the planet. I'm off limits and he knows that!" I point out reminding him that I'm the one girl that's off limits to the twins. Luckily my sister has a boyfriend Jayden so they'd never go after her.

"Whatever you say" Dylan snorts in disagreement.

"Tell my dad I'll be there in 20 mins. See you in abit" I hang up and there's a knock at my door and I open it to greet Sammie.

"Let's go bitch" Sammie grins as I grab my dads phone and shove it in my handbag before following her out and locking up.

Sammie drives and focuses on the road but her eyes flicker to me once in a while before she breaks the silence between us.

"You are quiet, what's up? Nervous about seeing Tommy?" She asks caringky

"Im ok its just weird being back Sam. Plus the idea of seeing Tommy is freaking me out" I admit nervously leaning my head on the window deep in thought

"You've been gone nearly 3 mths. It's only natural it's going to take a while to settle back into life. I'm here for you though hun" she assures me sweetly and reaches over to squeeze my hand in support.

"Thank you"

My phone beeps and I grab it from my bag to see I've received a text

I'm sorry I've been acting like a dick. It's just seeing u again has fucked up my head abit
Why? I don't understand
I know u don't. Can we talk tonight, alone? Pls?!
yeh sure I'll b there soon

Before I know it Sammie and I are walking  down the corridor that leads to the fighters rooms where they prepare for the fights and their team are.

I don't bother to knock at Hunters door as people are always walking in and out so my knock would be out of place and probably ignored.

I take a deep breathe as I walk in with Sammie behind me, and gulp hard when I find Hunter in there alone sitting on a bench looking at the floor deep in thought probably prepping himself for the big fight.

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