Wolves in sheeps clothing

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⚠️⚠️ This chapter contains scenes of attempted sexual assault and may trigger those affected by it.

After dinner we relaxed in the living room over a bottle of white wine and after a glass my mom was feeling the affects of the alcohol and her pain medication and I helped her to bed whilst Rob offered to tidy up the kitchen for me which was a huge help as drunk mom was not the most cooperative of people.

"Maddie I'm fine to do this myself" mom moaned as she tried to balance on her good leg whilst swapping her day clothes for her night dress.

"Mom you can barely stand up on your good leg. I told you not to drink that wine whilst on pain meds. Dad would flip if he knew that you'd dine that" I scold her in a parental tone as the roles reverse age I'm the parent and she's the sulking child.

"Fine" huffing and puffing like a stroppy toddler my mom finally let me help her change and tuck her into bed.

"That's better" I praised her kissing her forehead as I tucked the covers up to her shoulders and made sure she had a glass of water next to her on the bedside table as well as her phone.

"Madison... thank you" mom said gratefully as her eyes fell heavily and she drifted off to sleep.

"Sorry about that. Alcohol and pain meds plus a stubborn woman don't make things easy" I apologise to Rob as I join him in the kitchen.

"Don't be silly it just be hard for your mom to adjust to needing assistance" Rob brushes off my apologise with understanding as he handed me another freshly topped up glass of wine.

"Well thanks anyway, and for helping tidy up too" I was truly grateful for abit of help seeing as my brothers were useless at that type of thing.

When they did come round they assumed I was taking on moms role and running around busting my butt for them as they did nothing to help.

"Anytime. So how have you been? Katie mentioned Grayson forever being in the foulest of moods so I assume something happened between you two?" Rob clearly had put two and two together and knew more of what had been happening than I was comfortable with but seeing as though he knew it didn't seem to matter if I spoke about it.

"We decided it wouldn't work, well I decided" correcting myself as I didn't want it to get back to Grayson that I placed blame on him because it was all my choice not his.

"That explains his mood then. Oh well it's His loss" Rob quipped at me smiling over the rim of his wine glass before he took a sip.

"No it wasn't like that. I... his career..-" I tried to defend my decision but random words fired out of my mouth as my brain battled for an acceptable explanation for my choice to not confine things with him.

"No I understand. It was a tricky situation with him and your dads relationship, his career and then there's the families involvement. It was foolish for Katie and your mother to try to push the two of you together. It was unfair. Your feelings were bound to get hurt" Wow, he really seemed to get it.

I was surprised by just how understanding he was being. It was nice to talk to someone that got it.

Grayson just saw red and lost his shit with me and stormed out before demanding I quit my job and avoid him for the rest of my life and nobody else understood my chain of thought.

"See you get it? Grayson just got angry and left. He wants me to quit my job so he doesn't have to see me" I admit sadly. I love that job, I love helping my dad with the family business and in truth I don't want to give it up, I'm only doing it for Grayson.

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