Hell breaks loose

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The first few awards went smoothly.

Theo's media company was something huge to do with Vanity Fair so our table was front and centre. This gave us a great view as we were directly in front of the raised platform where the awards were announced and presented.

Theo did tell me the connection between his business and the magazine but the champagne was flowing, celebs were everywhere and I wasn't really listening or focusing on what he was talking about.

Theo was sitting dangerously close to me and, as usual when I drank, the alcohol had lowered my inhibitions.

I was a fucking idiot - even if I didn't realise it in my tipsy state because I was at a point where I was happily letting him whisper in my ear.

He was telling me gossip about all the celebs that were receiving awards without feeling uncomfortable with how close he was to me. But if I had been sober I'd of probably put more space between us.

My face hurt from smiling as he made me laugh and for the first time in months I was having a really enjoyable night.

Then my heart got trapped in my throat and it became hard to breathe.

I wanted to throw up or pass out or maybe both.

This could not be happening.

I had barely been listening to the what the award was at first until I felt a shift in the air and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, my body was covered in goosebumps like someone had just walked over my grave.

The same magnetic pull on my heart and soul washed over me making my heart beat faster whilst my stomach twisted into knots of anxiety.

This was not happening, not tonight. I wasn't ready.

"So please ladies and gentleman put your hands together for the 2019 Vanity Fair's sexiest male alive Mr Grayson Barrett"  the announcer, some daytime soap actress who huge fake boobs and a over inflatated lips purred clenching her thighs together at the mere thought of him coming near her.

Jealousy shot through my veins like a bolt of lightening and I haven't even laid my eyes on him yet but I could just tell that she had high hopes of scoring with him tonight.

I'd seen it a hundred times before.

God, I knew that look because it's how he'd always made me feel.

He didn't see me at first as he took to the stage liking absolute perfection in his black tuxedo.

His hair had grown a little longer at the front and I swear he was even bigger than last time I'd seen him but he looked even more god like than ever before.

He accepted the award and gave the actress a quick peck on the cheek and stepped away leaving her looking rather displeased with his coldness toward her as she faked a smile and left him on stage.

"I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone at Vanity Fair and the fans that have always supported me in my career. I'm really honoured to receive this award- for the fourth year in a row I might add so tha-" he was beaming proudly as he gave his awards speech as he looked directly ahead before something pulled his line of sight to me.

His eyes fixed on me and as the realisation that it was really me hit him his words failed him.

It was like that magnet that always pulled us together pulled him to me again and the entire world stopped. It was just the two of us.

Then the world jerked back to life as Grayson's eyes fell to Theo's arm draped around my shoulder, his body close next to mine.

I could see the rage in his eyes instantly and I knew I had to do something quick to diffuse the situation before all hell broke loose.

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