3 years later part 2

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Grayson avoided me after our kiss and no matter what I talked about with people I couldn't think of anything but that mind blowing kiss.

I was distracted and I began to feel pretty tired and ready to take my heels off and go home and go to bed.

"Are you ready to go?" Grayson must have spotted me yawning because he finished his conversation and approached me as I was sat on a sofa in the foyer away from the noise.

"Yeh I'll just go say goodbye" I said as I got up pointing towards the event

"No need I've already done it!" Grayson said sliding his big hand around to the small of my back and leading me towards the doors

"Grayson I need to say goodnight to my family!! " I told him confused by his behaviour for the second time today

"I told them you were tired and we were leaving- it's fine Mads stop worrying" He sounded almost frustrated by me wanting to speak to my family to tell them I was leaving.

"You will see them on Sunday afternoon. We are all having dinner at your parents" he added sensing I was about to protest even more.

"We are?" Why didn't I know about that. Did I get told and just forget.

" yes we are and while you are at it with the interrogation- we aren't going home tonight. Or tomorrow for that matter. Ethan and Noah have taken the kids to your parents and they are having them until Sunday afternoon. I've made sure they have everything they need and the kids will be perfectly safe. So no arguing, No more bloody questions Mads" Grayson explained in a harsh tone putting me in a state of silent shock at how firmly he spoke to me putting me in my place.

God that was hot.

"Okay" is all I could utter. I knew my parents were great with the kids and that they were in good hands so I didn't need to worry and the idea of having abit of a break and time alone with Grayson did sound nice. Really nice.

"Now get your sexy ass in that limo cos I'm hungry" He held the limo door open for me and smacked my butt pretty hard as I bent down to get in it.

Just like before he put up the privacy glass straight away only this time he didn't sit down next to me. He got on his knees in front of me in the footwell.

His hands slowly lifted my dress upwards, his fingertips grazing over my skin leaving my heart pounding as I remembered exactly how good it felt when he touched me. It was like little shots of electricity soared through over my skin lighting up every nerve and making everything a hundred times more sensitive.

Once he reached my thighs he pushed them open and slid the dress up until it was gathered up around my waist leaving my bare ass on the cold black leather seat. The crisp coldness felt good against how hot my skin felt.

"Gray" I whimpered out quietly as he traced the inside of my thighs from my knees to my core just stopping before he touched where I so badly wanted him to. I pushed my hips forward trying to make his fingers touch me which made him chuckle darkly.

"Desperate little thing aren't you??" He asked mockingly as he guided my thighs to open wider.
He lent inwards and settled himself between them, his broad body forcing them to stay in that position.

His fingers ran up and down my thighs causing me to shiver as I watched him follow his fingers with his mouth placing wet kisses then sucking at my skin so hard it left dark red marks behind.

The closer he got the harder I found it to breathe and I felt light headed just imagining the pleasure that he could give me. I hissed and closed my eyes when his fingers stroked my wet folds from top to bottom .

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