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One month later

The last few weeks have been absolute torture. I saw Grayson a lot at the gym and he wouldn't even look at me.

Once or twice I attempted to make small talk as he past by the reception desk but he acted like I didn't exist on this planet and that was obviously his way of dealing with the situation.

Just pretend I never existed and then none of it happened, I couldn't blame him for that either despite it hurting like hell every time I saw him and he blanked me, he had to cope with it somehow and I totally deserved whatever he had to throw my way whether it was an endless stream of hatred or total ignorance of my existence.

I contemplated quitting my job at the gym all together to make things easier on us both but I knew my dad wouldn't take that very well and would demand an explanation of why he should let me go which would open a huge can of worms that neither Grayson or I wanted opening.

So instead I went to work and faced the torture that Grayson dished out for me and just tried to keep my head down and out of his way.

But I couldn't help but feel the cold hard stares that would bore into me as I would chat to other clients, other men who attended the gym.

I'd been showing a new client around the gym yesterday and he was a cute guy, funny too and I couldn't help but laugh at the little jokes he made as we took a tour of the place.

Grayson was so distracted by watching us that Hunter got in such a good punch that he caused Grayson to stumble to the floor of the ring leaving him even more pissed off than he already was.

It's not like I was doing it on purpose, I was just doing my job and trying not to make waves with my dad or the rest of my family but still Grayson was finding it difficult.

U need 2 quit the gym & I don't want u attending any more of my fights
I can't quit, my dad will b suspicious & want 2 no y
I'm sure u can convince him of a valid reason. U r good at stringing people along like that. Quit today!!

Gray, pls don't b like that
It's Grayson 2 u & u wanted it this way remember?? Quit the gym or I get a new coach
No, don't do that pls, my dad would b crushed. I'll quit today I promise
I'm sorry
Fuck u Madison. Shove ur apology just stay out of my life!
I didn't mean it b4 but I do now. I truly hate u

Life is strange sometimes. I spent over two hours fiddling with makeup brushes sitting at my vanity in my bedroom trying to think of a reason to quit that gym that my dad would swallow and accept without the Spanish Inquisition but I was coming up empty when my dad burst in my room with a look of sheer panic on his face out of breathe from clearly running to me.

"Dad what's wrong?" My heart raced in fear from just that look of his paled face

"It's your mom, she's had an accident. A nasty fall. She needs someone to fly out and go stay with her and help her. But the boys have some big fights coming up, your mother is a stubborn woman and is refusing to let me go help her. The boys and Layla are so busy with their work and the kids and Miley is going away with Jayden. So I was hoping, perhaps-?" He stuttered to get his words out as the worry and concern overran his head.

"Book me onto the next available flight!" I jumped up and set about packing immediately guiltily glad in a way for this unexpected accident that meant I could escape for awhile without any problems.

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