1: The burning at the stake

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"Well well well" a woman says watching the burning of Lisa Tepes, hidden in the crowd, not that that helps seeing as she's the only one wearing a cloak and her dual blades are quite visible on her back, but everyone's too busy accusing Dracula's wife of being a witch. "This should be the right time to make my move" she mumbles when the flames intensify, she dashes through the crowd and cuts the innocent woman loose before disappearing and they're none the wiser since the flames are making them step backwards "That was... quick, there's nothing left" the Bishop says when the stake is gone and so is the victim. The mysterious girl stops when she reaches the edge of the city and she sighs putting Lisa down against the tree "Thank you, but we should get back to my cottage" Lisa says trying to stand up "We can't, once they realize you're not dead what do you think will happen?" "You're right, I just need to see my husband one last time" Lisa says "And I'd like to know the name of my savior" "Ruby" she says "Now come, we should get you somewhere really safe".

At the cabin Lisa is surprised to see all the equipment "Maybe you can do something with it" Ruby says as her guest looks around "What about the Bishop?" "Too scared to deal with me, for all his bragging he's a coward and my house's protected, but you need to rest and recover, however that might take a while" Ruby says "I'll go back, stay here". Back in the city she stops dead in her tracks seeing Dracula's face and she walks forwards, the look in her eyes determined and her pace even "Lord Dracula" she says pushing the Bishop away "I highly suggest you don't kill humanity, I however, have no problem with you killing everyone in the church, but leave the innocent people alone" she says "Fool, no one is innocent!" Dracula says "Really, then maybe I shouldn't tell you-" "Tell me what?!", Ruby pulls her hood down, her eyes shining red "You don't deserve to know, do know that whatever you plan to do within that year will be punished, if not by me then by others!" she says, she has Dracula quiet for a moment "Get out of here so you can try to stop me" he eventually says "I will not leave Targoviste". She walks off, her eyes back to the usual blue, back at her cabin she slams the door close "Let's hope you survive your wounds before the year is over or else Dracula wills wipe out humankind in your name" she says "Let him" Lisa says, surprising the young vampire "I found his castle once, I can find it again and you're going to help me" she says "Actually, I'm a Belmont, you sure you want my help?" "Of course!" Lisa says  "This is going to be fun" "Your definition of fun  is very different from mine, now I should properly introduce myself, I'm Ruby Belmont, a dhampir" she says "It's very nice to meet you Lisa Tepes" "When can we start training?" Lisa asks earning a laugh "Right now if you want".

A year goes by quickly and while Lisa is a quick learner Ruby has her stay behind when she goes to the celebration "Don't tell Dracula I'm alive" Lisa says "He can find out the hard way" Ruby deadpans before leaving the house, she scowls at the archbishop, but with her main weapons left at home since she doesn't want to stand out "Hey Ruby, how are your farm animals doing?" a woman asks when the Belmont passes her "It was a rough winter, you know how it is" Ruby says "Now excuse me, I have someone I need to find. Also, if the Bishop sees me-" "The bishop left" the woman says "He did?" Ruby asks "That's not good, get out of here while you can". She stares at the sky when it turns dark and she grabs her cloak from her pouch "One year!" Dracula says "I gave you one year to make peace with your Lords" "Oh boy" Ruby mumbles as she puts on her cloak and pulls up the hood. She doesn't move until the people start to panic and she charges at the first creature, pulling her daggers from her boots "Run!" she yells, but she can't fight them alone, she knows that all too well "Mommy!" a girl is heard yelling when the hybrid passes an alley so she goes in "Auntie Ruby!" the girl says once she's in sight "Amy you shouldn't be here" Ruby comments "I told her to leave" "We were trying", hearing the creatures near their location she grabs the child and continues running, however before she can reach the protective barrier around her cabin she's surprised by more creatures and tossed to the side "I'm sorry Amy" she whispers slowly getting up "Are we going to die?" Amy asks "You need to run to my cabin and get a friend to help me out", Ruby tosses the young girl over the barrier before rolling away from a claw "I'll be damned if I die without getting to kill my mother" she mumbles before dodging again, turns out that Lisa has been sneaking out to practice when she easily kill the demon "Targoviste is lost" she says "I'll be right back" Ruby mumbles running off again, this time coming back with an injured woman who appears to be missing half her leg "Get her inside" Lisa says.

Trevor has no idea his little sister is alive and Adrien thinks his mother burned, both will be in for a big surprise, leaving her home in the hands of the two she rescued Ruby Belmont and Lisa Tepes start their journey.

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