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(Christina's pov) 

"Ladies! Get in here! We need to go pick up Alexandria and I need to know who wants to go to pick her up with me!" I shout into the big house. We don't all live here, but we meet here and basically live here. It is our parent's house after all. I hope Alexandria is nice, she sounded nice on Skype, so I hope she really is. I mean, otherwise we will be speanding almost a year and a half with someone we aren't a big fan of. And that would suck. I shake out of my thoughts and look up to see... nobody. I sigh then take a deep breath to shout into the house again. 

"The first two girls down here and ready are going with me!" I finally hear footsteps and look up to see Kath walking down the stairs, but right behind her, Dani and Lauren are sprinting towards the steps. Kath hears them then turns around and gets this panicked look on her face. As Dani takes the lead, Kath just jumps the last 3 steps and trips falling into me. Dani jumps the last few steps as well, but doesn't fall like Kath. Right as she lands, I see Lisa sprinting as well with Amy on her heels. When Lauren sees this, she turns around then shouts my name. 

"Christina!" She shouts. I turn around confused, but when she starts running, I grab Kath, who, somehow, is ready for it. We put our arms out just in time as Lauren jumps from the top step and lands safely in our arms. Kath quickly pulls her out of the way of Lisa and Amy. Lisa and Amy are both breathing heavy from the running and Lauren is breathing heavy because of the stress. 

"Took you guys long enough." We look over and see Dani holding the car keys. I walk over and snatch them out of her hand then go over to Lauren. 

"We'll talk later, Laur," I turn around and face the rest of them. "Kathrine and Danielle get in the car, poor Alexandria is gonna think we left her! The rest of you better make this house presentable while I am gone!" I whirl around and follow out the door after Dani. 

Kath is driving, I'm in the passenger seat, and Dani is in the backseat. We drive in silence other than the occasional phone notification or cough for the first 10 minutes of the drive. 

"I hope Alexandria is okay..." Kathrine finally says very quietly. 

"What do you mean?" Dani asks. I turn around in my seat and look at her. 

"Dani, this girl is only 15, and she is flying alone. The airport is super dangerous. Especially for someone her age. I mean what if we get there and she's-" My voice breaks and I realize I'm crying. I clear my throat, wipe my eyes, turn around, and say, "It's dangerous." Buth Kath doen't get the memo. 

"I mean she could be mugged, hurt, kidnapped, ra-" She clears her thoat, then continues in a small voice. "Raped, or even... murdered." 

"Okay, okay, I get it, chill. Turn on some music, Chrissy, pleeeeeeeeease?" I roll my eyes at Dani's childisness and turn on music, but we are there. We get out and I look at my phone, then look up at Kath and Dani. 

"Her flight landed 30 minutes ago," I say, then we all start sprinting. We make it to the pick up area in 3 minutes, and sit down on the chairs, exhausted. Only Kath stays standing. 

"Where is she...? She says, looking around. Dani looks over at a screen. 

"Look, her flight was delayed, it should landing at 3:46. What time is it?" I look at my phone. 

"3:30." We all beathe a sigh of relief, then settle down to wait. I pull out my phone to text the others that we made it, then sit and think. I wonder what she's like.

  Does she have any problems? Is she nice? Is she mean? Will she like us? Will she be okay with all the kids in out home? Will she open up? Is she closed off? What music does she like? Does she sing pretty good or really good? Does she play an instrument? Does she have siblings? Does she have a crush or boyfriend? Is she gay...?

These thoughts wander through my head until I see Dani and Kath jump up out of the corner of my eye. I realize it must be time and get up too. We walk with our sign that says "Alexandria" and wait by an escalator. After about 15 minutes, everyone have come out, but we still havn't seen her. Then, finally, a girl that I vaugly recognize as Alexandria comes walking out. She looks so different in person... She looks around, then sees us and her beautiful blue eyes light up. She speedwalks over and starts talking, but I am distracted by her eyes. It's not like they are special, just a blue/green/gray combo, but she makes them look georgous. I snap out of it and see her staring at me with a shy, but expectant look. The other two are looking at me in annoyance. 

"Sorry, what?" I smile at her and ask. She just shakes her head and points to Dani. 

"Stop staring and introduce yourself, Chris."

"Right!" I turn to her and look her in the eye even though it's dangerous. "Hey, I'm Christina..."

"I'm Kathrine..." 

"I'm Dani..."

"And we're Cimorelli!" We all finish together. 

"Or half of it anyways," Kath says and Dani shrugs. 

"Dan, why don't you help Alexandria with her bags, and Kath and I will go to the car," I say. Dani immediately grabs the overwhelmed Alexandria by her wrist, and I see her flinch, but Dani seemingly doesn't notice, other than the fact that she grabs her hand instead now, and they walk off. I look at Kath and know that she saw it too. We talk as we walk to the car. 

"...Make sure before we do anything." I'm thinking about Alexandria and her eyes and what that flinch could mean besides what it implys, but I snap out of it and nod right as we reach the car. We get in and I grab Kath's wrist to make her look at me, right as the door opens to Dani and Alexandria talking about guitar. Dani puts her stuff in the back as Alexandria climbs in and sits down. I stare at her, hoping the best but fearing the worst. She looks up and catches my eye and gets suddenly serious. She shakes her head almost microscopically then points to her phone. As Kath starts driving, I talk. 

"So do you have any nicknames, or do you care?" She shrugs. 

"I don't care, I'm just happy to be here!" I look at Dani for help and she turns to Alexandria and says, "We should probably get each others phone numbers since we are gonna have to stick together for the next year and a half. Hope you like us!" Dani jokes. After we exchange numbers, I almost immediately get a text from a group chat with all of us, then just her. I look up and see her watching me, but she looks away when she sees that I noticed her. I look at her text. 

It's not what it looks like...

Then what is it, I respond, but I look up, and she is asleep. 

I hope she's right, I think as I drift off into sleep for the long drive home.

a/n: What do you guys think? To clarify, Christina does not have a crush on Alexandria, that's illegal. She just thinks she is really pretty, but feels more like a big sister to her. Should I make ships? If so, tell me who I should ship Alexandria with, and I might do it. And i'm not doing sister and sister love cause that's weird to me to think about them like that.  Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I love you guys!! <3


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