Lauren and Lisa

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Lauren's pov

Finally, Christina, Dani, and Amy walk out of the elevator. Amy is wearing black pants with white dots that she painted and a white sweater over a yellow tank top, and Christina has got on a blue crop top with a black tank-top under it and ripped jeans, kind of like Alexandria's. Dani is wearing light blue jeans with a gray sweater and a red flannel around her waist. 

"Ready?" Christina asks and we all stand up. I see Katherine roll her eyes. 

"Says the one who spent eight years getting ready," Lisa whispers under her breath. I stifle a laugh and hear Alexandria do the same. Christina turns around and looks at us, eyebrows raised. 

"What was that?" She asks and Lisa coughs. 

"Oh, nothing! Come on, let's go eat!" Lisa says, quickly changing the subject. 

"WHOOOOO FOOD!" Dani yells as she goes running out the door. Christina rolls her eyes and follows, Amy by her side, then the rest of us fall into line. We get outside and follow Christina to a pretty big car. 

"Nick is letting me borrow his car, and Alexandria, I've got a little surprise for you once we're driving," Christina says and Alexandria smiles. "So we need two in the very back, three in the middle, a driver and someone in the passenger seat. Any takers?" 

"I call shotgun!" Dani yells then quickly climbs in. 

"I'm in the middle!" Lisa says, getting in. Alexandria and I nod. 

"Me too!" We yell at the same time, then look at each other and laugh. Alexandria sits in the middle because she is the smallest, Lisa is behind the driver's seat, and I'm behind Dani. I wait to get in so whoever is gonna be in the back can get in. 

"Alright, then! Tall one and short one, in the back you two," Christina says. 

"Wait! I call driving!" Amy yells then runs to the driver's seat and get in. Christina groans. 

"Fine," she complains then climbs in the back slowly. I shut the seat and get in and get settled, then Amy starts driving. 

"Why do I have to be back here! I am the oldest, I belong in the front!" Christina complains for about ten minutes until Lisa finally gets tired of it. 

"Shut it, Chris. Just tell Alexandria her surprise!" She says, exasperated. 

"Yeah, tell me!" Alexandria agrees excitedly. 

"Right! Drumroll please..." Christina says and we all start doing a drumroll cause we're those people. 

"We're going to Dawsonville!" Christina yells. 


"Yeah! We're gonna get lunch wherever you want to, then tomorrow you're gonna go to school for a day and a couple of us- or all of us- are gonna come with you. Don't worry, no work involved, just as a visit to your friends and favorite teachers. Then we're gonna go to Sunday dinner at your grandparent's house tonight! They know all seven of us are coming, but your parents are out of town so it'll just be you from the Benefield family. They will be back for the show, though, and all your family and friends are coming. We've already made sure of it!" Christina finishes, then looks at Alexandria expectantly. Alexandria stays silent, her hands over her mouth. Christina clears her throat and Alexandria startles then starts squealing. 

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! Thank you so much! What the heck, oh my God!" Alexandria exclaims and we all laugh. 

"I hate to interrupt this, but how long till we get to Dawsonville 'cause I'm hungry," Dani asks. 

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