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Alexandria's pov

It's been so long since I last saw them. We used to do Sunday dinner every week, but I moved to Nashville and- clearly- had to stop going. I assume they kept doing them without me, but I'm scared I'm not gonna be enough for them. That they won't be happy about me coming back, or I'm still too fat for my gorgeous and skinny cousins, or that they'll just be like 'oh. you'. What if they hate me for leaving? What if- 

"Alexandria!" A startles me into reality. "Are you okay?" It asks. I look up and see everyone but Amy looking back at me. Amy's driving. Christina and Lauren are in the very back with me, Lisa and Katherine are in the back seat, and Dani is in the front. It's dead silent as I forget to speak, but then Lauren nudges me and i jump. 

"Oh, yeah, great," I answer to whoever spoke to me. 

"Alexandria..." Lisa, who I guess was the original asker, says to me. She doesn't believe me. 

"Lisa..." I say, imitating her and she sighs. I feel Lauren put her hand on my shoulder so I face her. 

"Seriously, what's up?" Lauren asks and I sigh. 

"Fine. I'm just... really scared I still won't be good enough for my family. My cousins are all so skinny and pretty, then there's me. I just... want to be good enough for them. I don't want to always be the baby cousin." I explain. 

"Okay, first of all, you were always good enough, and I mean always. Secondly, honey, you are pretty and skinny enough. You were obviously both before, but especially now. Kid, Lauren got you an extra small in that top and it still looked a bit loose on you!" Christina tells me. I smile. 

"Thank you," I say then turn to Lauren. "and I'm sorry but did she say extra small?" Lauren nods looking as shook as me. 


"What if I hadn't fit? What if I looked fat? That would be so embarrassing! that would-" Christina and Lauren cut me off at the same time by hugging me, then Lauren gives me a quick little kiss.

"You look fine, Alexandria. For real, I've seen pictures of your cousins, and even though they're two years older, you are way skinnier than them. Besides, you are beautiful and amazing and they will love you no matter what. I promise," Christina assures me. 

"Yeah, they're your family, and if they don't support you, we'll leave immediately and just go to Alex's house. I promise," Lauren adds. I smile gratefully at them, then give each of them a hug. 

"Thank you. Both of you," I tell them and they each give me a little hug. 

"Guys, I gotta stop for gas right here! If you want to change into the outfits we just because I know that what y'all wanna do, do it now!" Amy calls from the front. We all say okay as she pulls over and we all pile out. Everyone starts grabbing their bags when Dani comes up to me. 

"I know what you're thinking, but you honestly look so good. Please change. Please? For me?" 


"Okay, what about for Lauren. You know she's gonna go crazy over you in that!" Dani winks. 

"Dani!" I yell, laughing. 

"All I'm sayin' is-" I cut her off by putting a hand over her mouth. 

"Okay, fine! I'll change! We're done here!" I say, mortified because the person at the gas pump behind us heard all of that and is now trying not to laugh. Along with the other five girls. I roll my eyes and grab my bag. When I turn around all six of them are looking at me and Lauren, giggling, so I walk right up to her and kiss her. Like, not just a little peck, I kiss kissed her, if you catch my drift. When I finally pull away, I smile at her then look at the other 5 girls. 

"Happy?" I ask. they all start squealing. Lauren and I start laughing at them and we all go inside to change and pay for the gas. We get changed pretty quick, well, considering there's seven of us, and are back in the car and driving in 20 minutes. 

"Are you excited?" Lauren asks. 

"What?" I respond cause I wasn't paying attention. 

"I asked you if you were excited." 

"Yeah! For what...?" 

"Seeing your family!" Lauren responds, laughing at me. 

"Oh, yeah! Of course I am!" I say, laughing. We both sit back and I cross my arms over my stomach and lean my head on Lauren's shoulder. We stay like that for the rest of the ride, all of us singing along whenever a song we know comes on. At one point, a 5 Seconds Of Summer song comes on and Dani, Lauren, and I rock out. Finally, we are pulling onto their road. God, I don't know why I'm so nervous. It's my family! Literally, these are the same people I've seen at least once a week since I was, like, ten! 

I take a deep breath as Amy pulls into their driveway. I see my cousins Aliah and Seth's cars in the driveway, along with their parents' cars as well. I don't see any others, but I know that my cousins Jasmine, Jocelyn, and Devin and their parents are here because they live in the basement at the moment. they sold their house and needed a place till they moved. We are the last ones here, but it's only 4:53 so we aren't late. Dinner starts at five. 

"Ready, kid?" Katherine says and I realize that everyone is already out of the car and waiting on me. I quickly scramble out, taking Kath's hand so I don't fall, and nod at her. 

"Yes. Let's go," I say. As much as I hate it, I take the lead because it is my family after all, and the other six follow me like little ducklings. I open the door to the balcony, then take a deep breath and walk all the way inside. 

A/N: I know this is really short, but it was a filler chapter. The real tea comes in the next chapter. Let me know what you think about the book, and if you have any predictions about anything really. I love you guys all so much and thank you for reading. -Amy <3

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