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I saw the wince. But I also ignored the wince because I know that I can have a really harsh grip. I'm a bit worried for Alexandria, however, she barely ate any breakfast, and she looks as if she hasn't slept in days, even though she was clearly sleeping last night. Whatever, I need to focus on getting Kath out here. 

I climb in the car and pick up my phone to call Kath when she comes running out and jumps in the driver's seat. She's driving, and I don't want Alexandria to be alone, so I'm sitting in the back with her. I am on the right side and she is in the middle so that we are right next to each other.  

"Took you long enough," I comment to her. 

"Yeah, yeah. says you," Kath shoots back. I place a hand on my chest and lean back, opening my mouth and gasping in mock offense. Alexandria giggles at this, and I mentally high-five both Kathrine and myself. 

"So where are we going?" Alexandria asks. 

"Where do you like to shop?" I respond. She looks down and thinks for a moment, then looks back up. 

"American Eagle, Rue 21, Hot Topic for, like, band tees, and Zumiez sometimes. I know y'all are probably gonna hate me for this, but I've never been to Forever 21." Kath and I dramatically gasp in fake offense. 

"Okay, we're going there at some point today," Kath states. Alexandria and I both nod, then look at each other realizing that she can't see us nodding, and we both break into laughter. I finally look up and see Kath looking at us in the mirror, rolling her eyes and smiling. I stick my tongue out at her and she giggles a bit, then brings her attention fully back to the road. 

After a minute, I look up too and see the back of an out of control Walmart truck coming straight at us. I hear screaming but can't figure out who it is until I realize that it's all of us. Automatically I reach out and cover Alexandria. It's not the most comfortable position- or the safest- but one of my arms is over her chest, and the other is pressing down on her legs while I positioned my body to cover her as best I can from any broken glass. 

Alexandria realizes it's not safe too, however, and throws me off her. She does, however, lean over hugging me, burying her face in my shoulder. I hug her back and feel wetness on my shirt. I realize she's crying, and then I realize I am too. I try to cover her as much as possible, then I start praying. I can see Kath's mouth moving too, so I assume that's what's happening there while shes trying to not let us die. Remember, this all happened in about 5 seconds or less. 

Alexandria and I are clinging to each other for dear life when I feel impact hit on Alexandria's side of the car. I hear glass shatter and gently- or maybe not so gently- hold Alexandria head down so none cuts her face. I keep my own head down and pray that Kath is protecting herself and that the airbags have gone off. I recall that we were next to a ditch. Like a big one. Right as that thought hits me, I feel us go flying off the ledge of what I assume to be the ditch. 

We are in the air for a few seconds before hitting the side of the ditch. In those few seconds, Alexandria is sobbing into me, and I hear her whisper three words to me and it broke my heart. 

"I love you." 

We hit the side of the ditch and start rolling down the hill. Kath is praying out loud, which is good because it means that she's still alive. I realize too late that Alexandria's seatbelt has snapped and she could go flying through the air at any moment, so I grab her and pull her to me. She curls up with her torso on my lap and her face towards my stomach, and I lay curled over her. 

After a moment I realize everything is silent other than Alexandria's sobs. I then realize we've stopped moving. I jerk my head up and look around, also realizing that Alexandria is no longer in my lap. I gain my orientation and realize that we are on the left side of the car, slightly tilted so that the bottom was closer to the ground. I look upfront and see the top of Kathrine's head poking up. I don't see her moving, so I panic and unbuckle. I carefully move so that I can see into the front of the car, and see that she is fine- well, as fine as she can be- and still her seatbelt. She turns and gives me a weak smile, then starts making her way to the door facing up to get out.

I scan around looking for Alexandria, and see her lying motionless on the ground basically underneath me. 

"Alexandria! Are you okay!?" I shout at her. she barely stirs, and I look closer and see her covered in tiny cuts and blood. I also see that she is laying in broken glass. I make my way down to where she is and shake her until she looks up. I gasp when I see her face. Her nose is bleeding, though not broken, and one eye is well on its way to being swollen shut. She laughs a bit at my gasp. 

"That bad, huh?" She croaks out. I give her a weak smile, which she returns with a weaker one, then go to pick her up. When she realizes what I'm doing, she tries to get out of the way and best as she can. She slowly stands and then looks at me, determined. 

"I can do this." She then jumps up and grabs a headrest and walk/pulls herself up until she gets to the door. She steadies her foot on something, then lets go of the headrest. She grabs the door and swings it open with more strength than I could've ever guessed that she had. She pulls herself up with only a little struggle, then jumps off the other side. I hear a thud, then hear Kathrine yell Alexandria's name. 

I wait to see Alexandria stand up, but I don't see anything. All I hear is Kath repeated calling her name and saying things like, "Wake up," and "Please get up," and just variations of that. I immediately copy what Alexandria did and grab the headrest and juts pull myself up. 

 Is this was being a mom feels like? Because I've never been this strong.  

I shake my head and focus on Alexandria. I pull my front half over and look around. I see and hand, then Kathrine leaning over someone, trying to wake them. I assume that "someone" is Alexandria. Kathrine looks up and motions for me to come quickly. I nod and quickly pull myself up and launch myself over the side of the car to see what awaits. 

a/n: I can't believe I've got almost 100 reads, thanks so much! I'm going to bed, so night guys. Love you! -Amy <3

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