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*Guys I'm changing the album tour to a mash-up of Alive and Hearts On Fire/Up At Night. So it's like in between albums. Unless you're new, then it's always been that. And please read the entire author's note at the end. Thanks, babes! Love you all!*

When Alexandria said she can't sing, I don't know what in the name of rip that girl was talking about. And the way she reacted in front of the camera, just being herself, well, all I can say is the fans are going to love her. I hope she reacts well to all the sudden fame. Some people find it hard to cope with, so they resort to extremes. Even though she's already at one extreme- I think- I really don't want her to go to drugs and alcohol. I guess the rest of us are just going to have to be good older siblings to her.

Today is my day to get to know her- and let her get to know me. This will be the first full day we spend together, and the first time she ever edits with one of us. It's usually me and/or Dani, but Dani was being lazy so she didn't want to. Today is Friday, so we need to upload tomorrow. Meaning it's gonna be a few hours. Also meaning we could forget to eat, which isn't good for either of our cases. I don't wanna go back to that place, accident or no. 

Anyways, when I finally woke up, it was 10:00. I could already tell everyone else was up, even Alexandria. Now I'm in my bathroom doing my makeup. All I'm wearing are sweatpants and a t-shirt, but I do makeup just in case I wanna go out. When I finally get done with some simple makeup, I walk downstairs to meet everyone- or at least whoever's still here. Turns out that's just Amy and Alexandria. 

When I walk into the kitchen, I see Amy is eating a bowl of cereal and Alexandria is beside her, but with no food. They're having a conversation, but both of them wave at me then it gets silent because Amy gets back to her food so Alexandria goes on her phone. I walk up behind her, putting my hands on her shoulders and squeezing them gently, and lean down next to her face to see what she's doing. She's just scrolling through her explore page on Instagram so I don't pay much attention.

"Hey, kiddo," I say, standing back up. "Sleep well?" 

"Yeah, pretty much." What does she mean by "pretty much?" I'll just drop it for now, but I'll ask her later. Unless she tells me, but that probably won't happen. I walk over to the pantry, then the fridge and get some cereal and milk just as Amy finishes and puts her bowl in the sink. 

"You guys are gonna be home alone for a few hours. Kath and Dani are gone all day. Kath dropped her off at a friends house then went shopping or something so neither of them will be home till, like, five. Christina is going to drop off some old clothes at the salvation army store, pay some bills, get groceries- you know, grown-up stuff. I'm getting brunch with a friend then we are gonna go to the pool, so I'll be home around three or four. Chances are, you'll see Chris first, you know how she is, she was out the door around seven this morning. See y'all later and don't forget to eat!" Amy says that last bit right at me. Sometimes I wonder if mom got us mixed up and she's actually the older sister. I look back over at Alexandria and sit down next to her with my cereal. 

"Have you eaten yet?" I ask her, trying to just seem like a normal older sibling. She doesn't have siblings, so she doesn't know what one would ask, right?

"Yeah, just not a lot. Some cereal is all." I nod, seemingly satisfied, but inside I'm wondering if she's telling the truth. 

I'm gonna be completely honest- I'm worried about her. She isn't visibly losing weight, but if she keeps up like this, she will. And fast. But because she isn't visibly losing weight, I can't mention anything but "have you eaten" to her. I love her like a sister. She's like Dani to me, but younger. She really looks nothing like Dani, as in she isn't a twig. Nothing against my twiggy younger sister, but that's just not Alexandria. However, I think that's how she wants to be. I shake myself out of my trance and take a bite of my cereal then look over at Alexandria who is on her phone again. After about five minutes of me eating in silence, she casually sets her phone down. 

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