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Knock knock

"Who is it?" 

"It's me, Alexandria. Can I come in?" 

"Yes! Of course!" I sit up and move over so she has room on the bed as the door opens just a crack, then stops. 

"Please don't judge..." 

"Of course not! But... why?" I ask, confused. Maybe it's just an unusual outfit or something? The door opens all the way and she takes a few steps in then shuts the door. I look up from my phone and, at first, meet her eyes, then my line of vision goes to her face. I gasp and quickly scan the rest of her body. 

"What happened? Are you okay?" I ask, jumping up. She takes a few wobbly steps. 

"I was in-" She manages a few weak words, then collapses and almost hits her head on my desk. I catch her before she hits the ground and help her over to my bed. She sits gingerly on the edge, so I look at her, confused. 

"I don't wanna get dirt on your bed..." She mumbles, but I still understand her because I do it too. 

"I could literally care less right now, I just don't want you to hurt yourself. Here, " I pat the spot next to me, "lean against my pillows." 


"No buts, just do it!" I slightly raise my voice to get my point across, but immediately soften up again. She just nods this time, then moves next to me.

"So what the heck happened?" 

"Car crash." 

"What! Are Chris and Kath okay?" 

"Yeah, I got the worst of it. Kathrine's got a few bruises, but nothing that won't be gone in two days. Christina got a few too, but not as bad. She's the most fine." I breathe a sigh of relief, then it registers what she said first. 

"Wait, what do you mean you got the worst of it?" She sighs then looks up at me. 

"My seatbelt snapped so while we were rolling down into the ditch, I flew out of Christina's arms. She probably saved my life." I put my hand over my mouth for a second, then put my arms around her and hug her, but not too tight. I figure she's got bruises too. She still winces, however, so I just release her and look at her with what I hope is a concerned face.

"I-" She begins, but I cut her off.

"Can I see?" 


"Can I see? Like your injuries. Then ones that aren't visible." I ask gently. She slowly nods then stands up, steadying herself on my dresser. I see her take a deep breath, then she lifts her shirt up only a little bit before falling again. She slides to the ground in defeat and puts her head in her knees. From the little peak I saw, it's bad. I jump off the bed and go over to her and help her up. 

"Let's get you cleaned up." She nods and I help her to mine and Dani's bathroom. Luckily Dani's at a sleepover, so we don't have to worry about her. I let go of her and she steadies herself on the sink and I grab soap, a washcloth, alcohol, and bandaids and gauze. First, I clean her face. I don't put any bandaids on her face, but I do sterilize the one really bad cut. Next, I move to her arms. She reluctantly hands them to me. When I'm cleaning them, I realize why. She's got what looks suspiciously like cuts on both of her wrists. I don't make a face, though, and decide to talk to Christina about it later. I clean her legs last. 

When I'm done with her legs, I grab the hem of her shirt and look at her for approval. She nods reluctantly. Smart girl. I can tell she's sucking in, but again, no comment for the better. She's got cuts and bruises everywhere. She also has some suspicious things on her side and thigh, but I just make a mental note for Chrissy. After a minute I stand up and she quickly puts her shirt back on.  

"I'm gonna let you borrow some of my pajama's, then you're going to bed. It's nine o'clock, you've gotta be tired." 

"You don't-" 

"No arguing." I walk out to my dresser then bring her back an oversized T-shirt and pajama pants. She comes back out in about a minute, then walks to the door. I gently grab her arm and pull her back towards my bed. 

"Nope. We're having a sleepover tonight. You can sleep with me or in Dani's bed if you want." She smiles, then looks down. 

"Can I sleep with you?" She asks quietly. 

"Of course! I'll stay until you fall asleep." She smiles gratefully and we climb into my bed. We lay exactly the same way we did on the trampoline, except one og my arms in under her head and she's not as on top of me. Which is good cause I need to talk to Chrissy. 

I see her shaking, so I lift her head up and lock eyes with her to see her crying. When we lock eyes she starts crying harder, so I just stroke her hair and let her cry until she falls asleep. Is this what big sister love feels like. (Dani and I are so close we don't really have a "big-sister-little-sister" thing going on.) Or is this something more than sisterly love? 

A/N: AWWWWWWWWWW! ALEXAUREN! ALSO I WROTE ABOUT CHRISTINA GETTING INTO A CAR CRASH AND THEN IT HAPPENED IM SO SORRY GOD AND CHRISTINA I REPENT! okay im done. but thats super weird. anyways, thanks for reading guys. and sorry for the short chapter and the mistakes, im tired bois. I love you all and stay strong! You are all amazing!  -Amy <3

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