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"And now we're chilling in a ditch," Alexandria finishes her story and shrugs. I sit there in shock, unable to believe that this could happen to my amazing older sisters and my amazing little sister-from-another-mister. After a second, I snap out of it and stand up, looking them over. Alexandria got the worst of it- probably because of the snapped seatbelt, but Kath and Chrissy were injured too. It's not as bad as Alexandria, but both of them are covered in little cuts from the glass, and Kathrine has a bruise on her cheek, her right arm, and I'm guessing a little one on her left rib. As we walk to the car, Kath bumps into the car wreckage and winces. 

We get to the car and Alexandria and Christina climb into the back, while Kathrine gets into the passenger seat. As Alexandria gets in and moves around, she has this face of pain. I turn around and watch her for a second. I almost tell her to not worry about it, then remember what just happened. 

She finally gets it fastened, and we are off. Kathrine and I talk quietly in the front for about 10 minutes, then Kath turns around and her eyes light up. 

"Aww, Ames look!" She whispers. 

"Are you kidding?" I say. Does she not remember what just happened? 

"Oh, right. Also, keep your voice down." She whispers back, then pulls out her phone and takes a picture. She shows me, but I just shake my head. 

"I'll look at the gas station up here." She nods and sits back, going on her phone. I turn up the radio, but she turns it back down then nods back. I realize then that the two back there are asleep. I nod and go back to driving. 

When we are about 5 minutes from home, I stop at a gas station. When I look back there, I see Alexandria asleep on top of an also asleep Christina. Alexandria moved to the middle seat, but this time Christina is on the left. Alexandria has no seatbelt, but Chris has herm over her protectively. Alexandria is facing the back of the seat, curled up into a little ball with her face against Christina's stomach. 

When I get back to the car, I get in and turn to look at them. That's when I notice that Christina is awake. She's looking down at Alexandria, who has straightened out some, and stroking her hair. She looks up at me and makes a "shh" motion with her hand, then goes back to playing with Alexandria's hair. I start the car and drive off. 

When we get home, Christina wakes Alexandria up and they walk in alone with Kathrine. I turn the car off then follow them. Right as I enter, I see Chris and Kath walking up the stairs so I run over to ask them a question. 

"Where did Alexandria go?" Kath turns around and smiles at me. 

"She went to Lauren and Dani's room to get cleaned up. I guess she'd rather have them help her," Kath says then shrugs and she and Chris walk up the stairs and to their room. When I hear their door shut, I go to Lisa and I's room. When I walk in I see Lisa on her bed editing, so I go my bed and flop down face first. 

"What's wrong?" I hear Lisa's semi concerned voice ask. 

"Kathrine, Christina, and Alexandria just got into a really bad car wreck." 

"Oh my god!" Lisa cries, shooting up. "Are they okay?"  

"Just a little beaten up, but nothing unfixable. Alexandria got the brunt of it because she seatbelt snapped while they were rolling down the ditch." 

"What!" I sigh and recount the entire story based off of what I saw and what I was told. At the end, Lisa sits down and shakes her head. 

"Me too, Lise," I say sympathetically. She shuts her laptop and sets it on the floor, then flops back on her bed and sighs. I lay next to her for a minute, then we both sit up. Then I get hit by a realization and shoot up and start pacing the room, stressed and sad and angry and pretty much every other negative emotion out there. 

"What if because they got-" I get cut off by Lisa standing in front of me and putting her hands on my shoulders. I look into her brown eyes for a second, then she wraps her arms around me in a hug that I've needed for so long. After a minute I realize that I'm crying. She pulls away and sits back against the wall on her bed and looks at me concerned. 

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I sit next to her and look up at her. 

"Everyone always asks how Lauren or Christina or Dani or Lisa or even sometimes Kathrine is, but nobody ever asks how I'm holding up; how I'm doing. They think that because I'm so happy most of the time, I'm fine. But I'm not. I mean, three of my sisters almost died! What am I supposed to do, laugh it off? I'm falling apart, but don't want to bring anyone else down, so I keep it in until dark. I go into the bathroom and sit there and cry with no lights on or anything. I've done that every night for almost 4 years now, and-" I stop talking because I'm crying too hard and Lisa has her arms wrapped around me tightly. I cry in her arms for about an hour, then finally calm down enough to lay down. I drift off to sleep with Lisa next to me stroking my hair comfortingly. 

A/n: Hey guys! Finally, an Amy chapter, go me! I just want to say thank you for reading this so consistently. This was a very personal chapter, especially towards the end. I don't know if anyone guessed, but I include a lot of personal experiences and feeling in my stories and books. So chances are is something major happens or something, it has happened to me. However, I have not ever been in a crash. But thank you guys so much for reading! Also, do you guys want longer, shorter, or same length chapters? Thank you! I love you!  -Amy <3

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