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When I woke up the next morning, it was like, 5 am. Why my body decided to wake up at 5, I don't know. I finally got out of bed at around 7. I heard Chris downstairs, so I decided to actually leave my room. I walk downstairs and enter the kitchen, yawning, to see Christina staring out the glass door. 

"Hey, Chris," I say to her, getting a cheese stick. She turns around and waves me over. 

"Come look at this. I was wondering where Laur and Alexandria went when I woke up last night, but I found them." She seemed excited, and I was intrigued, so I walked over there holding my cheese stick. When I looked out the door, I saw a bunch of blankets on the trampoline, and Alexandria cuddled next to Lauren. I looked closer and saw that they were facing each other. Alexandria's head was against Lauren's chest and her arms were between their stomachs. Lauren one arm around Alexandria and the other was resting on Alexandria's arm. 

"They're so adorable!" 

"Yeah sure, whatever," I say, turning around and walking back to get some food. 

"Woah, what's with the suddenly angry attitude?" 

"Nothing! It's nothing okay!" I snapped. Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh, but seeing them together makes me... okay, okay, it makes me jealous. I mean, Lauren is two years older than her, I'm almost her age exactly. Maybe Lauren is quiet and sweet and pretty, but I have positive attributes. Right? I mean, I'm funny, smart, nice- to most people- and I have a lot more energy than Lauren. Okay, I need to chill. Alexandria probably isn't gay, and I know Lauren isn't. I hope. She doesn't seem it, but then again, here I am. I mean, they're just friends. It's just a sisterly relationship... Right?

"Dani!" I snap back into reality as Christina whisper shouts my name at me. 

"Yes, sorry! What did you say?" She sighs and shakes her head. 

"I said that clearly, it's not nothing. Especially if it puts you I that bad of a mood. So what's up?" 

Should I tell her? I feel like she would be the least accepting, but at the same time, I really need to get this out.  

"Dani! Danielle!" She snaps in my face and I jerk back to reality once again. "Okay, tell me, now." I sigh. 

"Fine, but you have to promise that you will still love me and that you won't shun me or Alexandria or Lauren." 

"Of course!" 

"Okay, so first, I think that Laur and Alexandria are gay, and they like each other." 

"That looks like sisterly love to me, but go on. Besides, why would that make you mad?" I take a deep breath, then let it all out in one breath. 

"Because I'm gay and I like Alexandria so seeing those two like that makes me jealous." Christina stares at me for a minute as I brace myself for impact, but she starts laughing. 

"I know Dani." She knows, how!?


"Shhhh!" I compose myself a bit. 


"It's obvious. Especially when we first got Alexandria. You were always talking to her, always trying to be next to her or impress her. And that look on your face when she fell asleep on you was the cutest thing ever." 

"You rat!" I yell at her, mostly playing, relieved she won't shun anyone. 

"I think you should tell everyone else today. Not that you like Alex, but that you're gay." I think for a moment, then slowly nod. 

"Yeah, I will. Also, its Alexandria- or Andria if you have to call her something else." Christina looks at me, confused. 

"You called her Alex," I explain, "She doesn't like being called Alex. Only Alexandria or Andria if you have too." Christina nods, then shakes her head and laughs, walking away. I follow her. 

"What?" I question. 

"You. You're gonna be a great girlfriend. I hope Alexandria will like you." I blush a little at her words. 


"Really," She looks at the time then quickly turns around. "It's almost 8:30, go wake them up while I get Kath, Amy, and Lisa." I nod then walk out to the trampoline. When I get closer, I can see that Lauren is awake but is stuck and doest want to wake Alexandria. She is looking down at her and stroking her hair while she sleeps, smiling. I get up to the net without her seeing me, so I climb in. 

"Laur. Lauren? Earth to Lauren!" I wave my hand in front of her face, and she jerks her head up and blushes. 

"Sorry, I was distracted." I smile a bit and nod down. 

"I saw." Her face gets even redder and I just laugh. 

"Well then wake her up so we can all eat breakfast together." She nods and I turn around and leave. I get a little ways away, then remember what I forgot to say. I turn around and call Laurens name then see Alexandria sitting up. She has her head on Lauren's shoulder and is yawning. 

"Oh, hey Dani!" Alexandria calls out. Hearing her say my name gives me chills, but I push my feelings down. 

"Yeah?" Lauren asks me. 

"What? Oh, never mind." I am distracted by Laurens arm around Alexandria. Tears well in my eyes and I quickly turn around and start walking away. As I reach the door, I hear footsteps behind me and turn expecting to see Lauren, but surprised to see Alexandria. She grabs my hands and rubs the top then looks up at me. I am quite a bit taller than her. She is only like a few inches shorter than Lauren, if even.

"Are you okay?" 


"Are you sure, you're crying?" She wiped away a tear and my cheek throbs with warmth where she touched it. She sounds so genuinely concerned, it makes me want to cry more. But I suck it up and nod. 

"Yeah! Just, um, hormones, I guess. You know... that time of month." My face gets red at my excuse but she nods and turns around. I shake my head and walk in to see my older sisters- minus Lauren- staring at me laughing. 


"'Hormones', 'that time of month,' really?" Lisa says, imitating me how she thinks I sound. My face gets red and I sit down at the table to wait on Lauren and Alexandria.

"I hate you guys," I say. This just makes them laugh harder, and Amy is, like, snorting. She's gonna give herself a hernia one day. I just shake my head. 

"You try doing better in that situation with your crush..." I realize what I said too late, and I wish I could crawl in a hole. Christina shakes her head while the others look at me, shocked. Lisa breaks the silence first. 

"You guys would honestly be so cute." 

"Yeah," Kath jumps in, "Like when you guys fell asleep in the car..." 

"Guys stop. I'm gonna go do my makeup, call me when breakfast is ready. I close the door to my room, flop on the bed, and sigh. This is gonna be harder than I thought.  

a/n: this is some tea. it's really late and I'm tired so goodnight my babes. don't forget to comment, vote, follow, etc. I love you all. Remember, my dm's are always open. I love you so much thank you for reading this far! -Amy <3 

(Try to guess my real name. bet u won't. ahaha what a challenge. hint: it's unusual, but not THAT unusual.)

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