[4] Shes not happy...

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"Hey baby.." Sakura said to the raven before her with a stern face. Something was up with her lover and she needed to know what.

"You know you can tell me anything right.." Sakura smiled warmly at the raven who was simply nodding. It's not like he wanted to hurt her feelings, but he also didnt want the Uchiha Corp to loose connections with the Haruno Corp. Sakura pouted and tried to get his attention.

No luck...

"Sasuke-kun listen to me.." She whined, and got the same nod. Suddenly a wave of boys came up to the raven, separating the two 'lovers' once more.

"Sasuke, a word"
"Sasuke...I dont have all day." Neji, Lee, and Gaara said all at once. What was so important right now? Sasuke began to take in everything that was said to him and simply nodded.

"Tell me later..class is about to start" He sighed and walked into Iruka Sensei's class.


Sasuke walked into the Iruka's class, to not find Naruto but a smirking crowd of girls. Sasuke sighed, and took his seat anyways. Little did he know what would come later.

Middle school 8th grade.
Sakura: Promise to be my friend forever?

Naruto: S-stop hitting me...


Naruto: Yes.....

Sakura: Now go to class..


"Sasuke baby!" Sakura wailed at lunch at the man who was still ignoring her. Sasuke was frantically scrolling through his phone trying to text the blonde.
"Sakura can you...leave?" Sasuke sighed and looked at her sternly.

I'm sick of this shit..

"Look, its over." He said and walked away from the pink.
"This...is..not...over!!" She hollered


go ahead and cut...

it's just a post Naruto.....

dont let sakura get to you

"Kyuu, I c-cant..." He whispered. He couldn't go to that dark side again.

"KYUUBI STOP!" Naruto screamed and fell the floor. Red bubbles appeared around him and his eyes began to flash red and blue.

that's right...

His whiskers began to grow, his clothes already ripped. The boy began to sob uncontrollably not realizing the banging at his door.

let him see the real you...

"N-NO...no no no no" He whispered repeatedly.

sakura...you bitch.


"How could he get rid of me!" Sakura wailed at her bestfriend Ino yamanaka. The two used to hang out with Naruto at the academy but departed about a year ago when Sakura and Sasuke started dating.
"What a dick.." Ino muttered and hugged her friend. Yes, what Sasuke did was a dick move but I'm sure you'll think differently later.

"He doesnt deserve you okayy?" Ino whispered into the pinkies ear.

kill her Naruto...


"Dont open it.." Naruto muttered to Sasuke who disobeyed. Sasuke opened the door and stared at the distraught teen.

"W-what are you." Sasuke choked out and looked at the nine tails growing out of him. Naruto simply sobbed.

I cant tell you..

"I-its nothing" Naruto sighed and looked at the raven. Their eyes met eachother. Sasuke walked closer to the blonde.

he loves you...but he loves sakura too


Naruto: Just know Kyuu is mad at you.

Sasuke: Oh and Sakura is pregnant....with a girl

Naruto: WHAT!!

Sasuke: kidding babe...

*sasuke kisses Naruto*

Naruto: mmm baby-

Author-chan: I'm right here...

Sasuke: So..?

Author-chan: Um okay

Hope you enjoyed!

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