[11] He simply doesnt remember

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"Hm.." Naruto sighed, and continued to watch television. It was pretty weird that Itachi didn't know his hometown, and he didnt look like he was joking. Maybe he forgot, or...there has to be something. Right? Well, thats what Naruto kept telling herself while she waited for Deidara to come home from whatever he was doing. There were a few nods, and questions from the two [Uchiha and Uzumaki] but nothing more, and the day dragged on and on.

That is until a sudden blonde walked into the door.
"Well hello Tachi, Naruto" Deidara smiled, and walked over to his lover.
"You look stressed" Deidara whispered, and planted a small kiss onto the raven's lips.
"Yes very.." Itachi muttered, and burried himself into Deidara's Akatsuki cloak.
"Im right here ya bastard.." Naruto muttered, and pouted at how cute the couple secretly were. Anyways, tne blonde stomped upstairs leaving the two lovers alone.

"Look, you hold it this way Sasuke" Tenten huffed, and re-positioned the Kaiken. Sasuke huffed, and looked over at Hinata who was perfectly slicing watermelons with Tenten's Nagamaki.
"Whew this is fun" Hinata giggled, and sliced a Banana perfectly.

Well, Sasuke on the other hand..

"I wonder how Ino and Neji are doing.." Tenten sighed.


"CHA!" Ino shouted, and went straight for Neji's face. (High kicks) Neji, defending himself, grabbed Ino's foot and slammed her onto the floor.
"I swear..." Ino cried, but got up nonetheless and began punching the brunette.

"Whew shes fiesty.." Neji laughed, and threw a punch back at Ino. Ino, once more pounced onto the brunette (Sitting on him) and began to smile triumphantly.
"I win" she smiled, and threw her first in the air proudly. Neji simply frowned.
"T-that..." Neji tried saying, but was put of breath from 1. fighting and 2. Ino.
"Thats good, alright now lets redo!" Neji smiled, and high fived the blonde.


The youngsters spent the rest of the week endlessly training, and simehow finding time for their gigantic stack of homework. Hinata, also began to look for clues of finding Naruto except for 'The spot'. (Which were still 0)



"YES SENSEI, I AM READY FOR CLASS!" Rock lee cried, and fist pumped with the just as hyperactive Guy sensei.
"My young pupils, 40 laps around the gym!" Guy sensei shouted, and earned some nasty groans from the boys. Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, and Sasuke all decided to run close to eachother so they could discuss their little plan.

"This means we'll have to stay the whole damn weekend Sasuke.." Shikamaru groaned, just now realizing how stupid the plan truly was. Most likely the Uchiha wouldnt show up, but then there was a chance the raven did as much research as the other raven. [Sasuke] The pineapple boy simply sighed, but kept the thought to himself.
"I'll bring a heep of food then..." Choji shrugged, and continued to jog. Neji simply nodded, he too thinking up some scenario.

"This shit better work..." Sasuke sighed, and ran a hand through his already sweaty hair.


"Oh Ms. Kurenai how many months are you!" Sakura sighed in awe at the pregnant female, just like the rest of the girls. Kurenai rubbed her stomach, and smiled at the supportive crowd.
"Im 5 months"
"W-whos the father.." Hinata whispered
"Oh so you doin freaky freaky on the weekends?" Ino taunted, and got a very unusual look from Kurenai.
"Yea just as quick as that mouth move is as quick as Ill write you a detention" Kurenai rolled her eyes. Ino, blushed crimson but nodded at her favorite teacher. The class continued like this, the girls not even caring about the art project they were supposed to be completing.


"Mr. Orochimaru" Principal Tsunade said sternly at the snake-like man. Orochimaru simply looked at her waiting for a response, which was a simply nod. Tsunade walked away, and expected the snake to follow. (Which he did)

Once they reached the office, Tsunade took a deep sigh and seated herself at her desk.

"Naruto Uzumaki has been absent for days" Tsunade whispered, and looked at Orochimaru who nodded.
"Since you are a retired Ninja, I need you to track him down for me.." Tsunade said, getting straight to the point.
Lord Orochimaru chuckled.
"That won't be necessary" he laughed, and instantly Tsunade was on the floor. Not even realizing that there was a numbing needle in her leg. Orochimaru got up, and walked out of the room.



"Dei, can we talk real quick..." Naruto asked, as she as setting the meal down for the 2 boys. Deidara nodded.
"Uh...Alone its kinda.." Naruto muttered, and looked at Itachi with puppy dog eyes.
"Yea yea just hurry up" Itachi sighed, and continued to pick at his tomato soup.


Outside the house

"So what did you want to talk about?" Deidara asked, and tilted his head to the side. Naruto sighed, and began to talk about how Itachi didn't remember certain things.

"Yea...I know" Deidara confessed, and also told him about the countless times the raven would even forget his own brothers name until Deidara reminded him. What would Itachi do if he didn't know his brothers name? Why was Itachi suddenly not remembering things? It's a mystery.

"D-dont you think we should do something?" Naruto whispered, and looked at Deidara sternly. Deidara chuckled sadly, and shook his head.
"1. We dont have any money 2. Itachi is technically famous for all the conspiracy about him.." Deidara sighed.

"W-we need to go to Konoha I think I can help.." Naruto smiled at Deidara who simply blinked at him, and nodded absentmindedly.


Friday @11:13pm

"Neji stop hogging all the space" Ino whispered, and pouted at the smirking brunette. The two were the only ones inside of the bar, the others were located in a seperate small house that was attached to the bar. (Its hard to explain..)
Do you copy

Yes sasuke we copy now stop talking on the walkies ya dumbass.

"Ino stop being such a bitch.." Sasuke laughed, but stopped talking.

What a drag...speaking of..where is Shikamaru and Choji?

"So this is where else you'd think Itachi might be?" Shikamaru said looking at Choji like he was an idiot. It just so happens to be the exact place Itachi and Deidara had their little session, and it was also across the street from 'The spot'.
"Trust me on this man." Choji smiled, and set up a small two lean for the boys.

"What a fucking drag man..." Shikamaru sighed, and flopped onto then already made, air mattress.

"Alright were taking shifts, wake me at 2am..."


Thanks for reading
word count: 1,127

Please go read my new story 'ʀᴇᴀʟ ꜱʜɪᴛ'

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