33) Something for your M.I.N.D

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. If she took herself out of the picture, would things get better?!  Would everyone be happy she's gone? Swallowing her saliva she walked upstairs into the room Tenten and he resided in. The girl rummaged through her already messy room. She looked for her thongs, shirts, pants, shoes, including any valuable Tenten showered her with. 

   "I'm going..." Sakura threw her clothes into dozens of bags. Things were going to get better for her. They had to, she couldn't go through the constant stress and pain of being a failure. Someone who only hurt people, not help them. Or give them the same affection that she was receiving. She was truly a bastard. 
But now she realized, 

It was time to just give up. 

Give up this stupid group. The same group that hated her from HS. 

She didn't belong here.

She walked outside of the small house Tenten as well as Sakura owned. She threw the many bags into the trunk and hopped into the front seat of her ex-lovers car. 

- 000 - 

   I feel like I'm on cloud nine. The passion in his voice, the look in his eyes. It felt so wrong to be doing this at work, but it felt so right. The blush coated my pale skin. Like a tomato. Words couldn't describe the feelings I was feeling. 
    "I-I don't want to hurt you.." He admitted. My freaky thoughts got ahold of me. I wasn't thinking straight anymore.

'i wish you would hurt me, in the right places.'

   "I'm okay! We have a kid, I've done this before." I growled. The man seemed so cautious now. Why didn't he have this same energy in Highschool? I heard the small grunt of approval from him, the worst was about to come.
I felt the tip of his member touch my bottom. Playfully teasing me. Making me want him more. He was entering inside of me. Not letting the small moans out, I covered my mouth. He slid his member in and out of me, preparing me. I could hear his small grunts and moans. 

'hurry up bastard, you're taking forever' 

   "sasukee stop being so hesitant" I moaned. Without even hesitated, I could feel his thrusting getting faster, deeper. I could've came right then and there.  His hands made it to my hips, as he grabbed them tightly. He was controlling me, my hips, my next move. Everything. 
      "uhng" The moans escaped my mouth. He thrust deeper inside me. Stopping every now and then to tease me. My moans grew louder, probably catching the attention of employees. But I really didn't care. Apparently neither did Sasuke. Slowing down, I turned back to look at him. His face was sweaty and burning red. 
     "Sasuke i-i.." My breathing hitched. The fast beating of my heart slowed down. I slowly released. 

Our little 'game' was over. 


Satomi was sitting on the sidewalk, waiting for her parents to arrive. Why did a stupid driver have to pick her up? Kabuto didn't care about her, he cared about the dollar signs. That's what they all cared about. A small petite girl walked out. 
    "Sweetie, are you parent's on the way?" She questioned. The girl has a vibrant red bun with matching red eyes. She wore an odd black dress with white dots, and platformed boots. Which teacher was this?
     "Y-yea..they should be here soon" Satomi muttered quietly. The lady sat down next to Satomi.
"My name is Kyuubi, what's yours?" Kyuubi held her hand out for Satomi to shake. Which the little girl did. The handshake was quite weak and clearly not genuine.
      "You seem upset? What's wrong??" Kyuubi whispered silently. Satomi blushed red. Embarrassed to be telling a woman she barely knew about her feelings. 
"I'm sure you know who my parents are..." Kyuubi nodded. 
     "I hate them, I hate both of them for not loving me, and putting work before me."
"I want a normal life..with normal parents." Her eyes filled with tears. She was far from the normal child, or the normal family. 
      "I- I don't wanna be an Uchiha!" She blurted. Kyuubi silently listened. Clearly stunned about what the girl just said. She was only 5 years old, yet held all these things inside of her. 
Of course, this would hurt any small child. Even the rich and famous.
     "Do you know the Hoshioka family?" Kyuubi smiled warmly.
"I was disowned by them, from birth." A small smile appeared on her face. Satomi listened intently. 
     "I hated them for not loving me too...yet I never had a chance to know if they even wanted to love me" 
"You're a lucky kid. You have a chance to find out." Kyuubi smiled sadly. Her voice shaky, as the tears fell out of her eyes. Satomi looked shocked. The Hoshiokas were the second-best business owners. They sold luxury cars, jewelry, and other assortments. This was the child they disowned? The child that Japan was searching for, for years? 
    "Now, let's go call your parents again. Okay kid?" 
"Okay..." Kyuubi grabbed Satomi's hand. The two walked into the school building with teary eyes. But on the inside, they were truly happy beyond words.

"Whew...I think the two of them are doing uh.." Choji went pink-faced. Shikamaru smirked. 
     "Well it's about time they've shown each other some 'love'" Shikamaru shrugged it off. He walked away to go to his duties. Leaving Choji and Temari to stand there dumbfounded. 
 "Hey...Choji...can I talk to you?" 

   Do you think Sasuke and Naruto should've did what they did? Let me know in the comments!

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