28) Forgiveness?

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I found myself pulling into the parking lot of the bar. The place I didn't want to be. Satomi was at home, asleep. Hopefully, I could the outing would be quick, and simply. I hopped out of the car, and into the bar. Looking around for 2 buns. I surprisingly found none. Maybe she wasn't here yet. I decided to just get myself a table, and a beer. I had a throbbing headache. My outfit was way super tight, and I was starting to hate my black hair. Sighing, I decided to text Tenten. It was already 7:10. 

"Hey Ten..are you running late or something?"

I could've sworn I stared at that text for a good minute. No response. Frustration grew inside of me, I was sick of being blown off. Walking up to the bartender, I ordered a various amount of drinks. 
    "Whats a pretty woman like you doing here?" She questioned, her hair cut in a short manner similar to mine. Except hers was this edgy half black half orange color. It matched her caramel skin. She had this edgy nose pierces, chains, and checkered boxed earings. She radiated a fearless vibe. The way she began talking to me to clear, having no trouble whatsoever speaking her mind. She asked to be about my life, my dreams, my hopes. Probably not even realizing who the hell I was. I told her. I loved reading and drawing. I had a beautiful daughter named Satomi. (Which she said she remembered from someone famous)  I told her about my situation. Everything.
   "Look babe, if he can't see your worth don't even shed a tear for that douche." She snarled and flicked her fingers in disgust. She settled her elbows on the table and bent down to look directly into my eyes. It's almost like we were friends for years, and I could tell her anything. She would be there to listen. Gulping my 3rd shot down, we began talking about celebrities. 


Finally, she'd stopped talking to me, and moved onto the next person. I was getting ready to leave when a guy entered. His eyes covered from his long hair, he wore a sweatshirt, jeans, and a pair of vans. He gave off an angered vibe. Right behind him entered the person I've been looking for this whole time, Tenten. Angered, and a little bit woozy I stomped up to her. 
   "Where the hell have you been!" I growled at her. Smirking, she shook her head and pointed to the guy next to her. Taking off his hood, revealing the one I didn't want to see the most. 

"Why the hell is he here!" I gawked. Tenten looked at me with an apologetic look, she had set me up. 
    "The real question is, what the hell are YOU doing here." Sasuke glared at me, his onyx eyes filled with rage. Taken back, I just stared at him in shock. 
 "I-I'm leaving..." I muttered, making my way out of the door. 
He said my name. Panicking, I turned around to look at him. I could feel my face burning. Sighing, I opened and closed my eyes. I needed to relax, and get the hell out of here. Like now. 
   "Talk to me..." He muttered while stepping outside of the bar entrance door. Tenten disappeared into the crowd of people, leaving me alone with my ex-husband. For a moment he just stared at me, looking for a reason. I could tell he was looking for one. I was too. Suddenly, I felt so tired, so emotional, so broken. It finally hit me how much it bothered me to be away from him, this bastard. 
    "You hurt me..."
"You lied to me..."

"And somehow...my daughter wants to see a shitty person like you," I muttered. I looked down at my feet. 
   "Why'd you do it.." 

Why did he do it? 

"I don't know why.." His voice is small and fragile. I could feel his hand pulling me into a one-armed hug, my arms laying tightly beside me. I felt like crying, but I couldn't. I refused to show him the weaker side of me. The side that wanted to easily forgive him. I just wanted this to be over. 
   "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." He muttered into my ear and rubbed the back of my head slowly. 
"It was a mistake- I was drunk...I p-promise..." 
He promised. He laid his head on my shoulder. Tears fell out of his eyes as he told me about his past two weeks, and how broken he'd been. Nobody heard from Sakura, she hasn't shown up to work. Everybody was worried about her, except him of course. He's been neglecting his work, he could barely sleep at night. This seemed to fuck him up as much as it did to me. 
       "I missed you...like hell.." Sasuke admitted. I found myself wrapping my arms around him tightly. I would've held onto him for eternity if I could.  Pulling away from eachother, we both stood like that for a moment. Breaking the silence, I offered for him to see Satomi. Which he accepted. 

So we were off! 

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