18) ⭐Prepared for you⭐

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Suddenly, Sasuke was attacking
Naruto's neck. The neck he's been craving for weeks, all his. The body he's been thinking about, now in front of him. Sasuke was impatient. He  needed her now.

Sasuke began to search for her sweet spot.
   "mmm...Sasuke" Naruto moaned, and squeezed the doorknob.

Found it.

Sasuke sucked aggressively at Naruto's lower neck, causing her to moan.
   "fuck...fuck fuck..." Naruto moaned in pleasure, and rested her head on the door.

Soon, there was a red mark on her neck, and Sasuke watched it form,  clearly proud of this accomplishment.
   "You missed me this much huh?" Naruto smirked, and leaned in to kiss Sasuke, who returned eagerly. Sasuke picked up the blonde, and slammed her onto the couch.
   "Like hell babe" Sasuke smiled, and threw up Naruto's skirt. Quickly, Sasuke undressed Naruto.
   "Good to know we feel the same" Naruto laughed, and positioned herself on the couch.
   "Now...fuck me just like that..." Naruto bit her lip, and opened her legs for Sasuke.

Sasuke bent down, and began to lick her clit.
   "mmm..." Naruto sighed in pleasure, and looked down at the way Sasuke ate her out. His tongue exploring all of her, this was new. Sasuke was...
eager, impatient, and ughh the way he did it too...
   "Ba- baby..." Naruto groaned, as Sasuke went faster, making the girl moan loudly.
   "Whats my name?" Sasuke teased, and watch Naruto struggle to get the words out, as her p*ssy slowly began to squirt out on his face.
"Sasuke fucking Uchiha" Naruto smiled, and breathed heavily.
    "Good girl..." Sasuke smiled, and positioned Naruto.
    "Wait...we arent gonna-"
Sasuke thrusted into Naruto"s ass, not giving her a chance to finish her sentence.
   "Ughh...what the fuck was that" Naruto moaned, and rolled her eyes back.
    "You wanna find out?"

Sasuke began to move inside of her, slowly thrusting. His member, not even fully inside of the poor Uzumaki.
   "fuck....sasuke you grew or something!!" Naruto screamed, and moaned at how Sasuke was never finished putting it in her.

Naruto began to speed up the pace, their moans filling the air as Naruto begam to release.

"Naruto...l-lets cum together!" Sasuke groaned.
   "yeaa" She moaned, and cummed with her lover.

Was it a mistake? Did I make a mistake?

Ello! IM SO BAD AT YAOI. Please tell me how I did, DW its gonna get interesting in the next chapter

[SN] Prepared for you💕 [Finished] Where stories live. Discover now