22) A changed girl

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Warning, there are some suicidal thoughrs ETC.

You have been warned.

A  cherry blossom tree.

I come, I go.

"Sasuke-kun...I love you"

Did Sasuke love me?  Why was this Uchiha so important to me?  Do I really even mean shit to him? Sighing, I walked into my first class. Which happened to have my old bestie, Ino yamanaka. She glared at me, while tapping her pencil furiously. Sulking, I took my seat in the back of the classroom. Soon Sasuke and Naruto appeared. Her stomach clearly visible as she slumped to her seat. She managed to still look flawless with clearly having a lack of sleep. Maybe I was meant to just be a ex to Sasuke. My face turned a bright crimson, as Sasuke's eyes met mine. I had been staring. Naruto's eyes glistened at me as she tried her best to get up from her desk. Waddling, she stopped right in front of my desk and pointed her finger at me.
    "Stop staring at Sasuke!" She hissed. Nodding, I looked down at my work. I could tell the girl was startled by my reaction because she slowly tilted my head up. Her face beat red.
    "The real Haruno would've snapped back" Naruto muttered, her eyes darted away from mine.
     "Sakura, I forgive you...j-just please stop being this way" Naruto blushed crimson. Her face showed true sincerity, yet my mind was filled with hatred.
    "I'm fine Uzumaki, I think you have a seat to be in." I glared. The teacher, Kakashi was walking in. Class was about to start. Naruto glared angrily, but stomped back to her seat nonetheless.

Finally, my last class with that brat. That pregnant brat, I was supposed to have a baby with Sasuke. Sasuke was supposed to mine. I found myself in a stall crying my eyes out. My mind was telling me to smoke, my heart told me to stop. Crying, I slid the cig in my mouth as I lit it. The smoke slowly filled the room.
    "Look what you did to me" I, Sakura Haruno screamed. I screamed, and kicked. I cried, and begged. I tried for once, and this is my payment.

--- 🍥🍥🍥🍥  ---

    "Fine, maybe I did eat it, or maybe I didn't" Naruto blushed innocently. Smiling, Hinata shook her head. Lately, the blondie has been craving all the wrong things. Such as onigiri, tomatoes, and oddly enough lemons.
     "Just get me a new water, no lemons"   Hinata smiled warmly, as Naruto nodded. Choji, and Shikamaru happened to be in deep conversation about a video game while Ino, and Neji shared their food. Tenten silently watched the couple flirt nonstop.
    "Aww baby, you're too cute y'know that?" Ino beamed. Her rosy cheeks grew redder when Neji kissed her nose affectionately. Growling, Tenten hissed at the two.
    "Get a room you two!" Tenten sneered. The couple looked at her angrily. Tenten smiled in triumph as they departed, and went back to eating.
    "Mood kill, Ten" Ino whispered angrily. Tenten shrugged, while picking at her brocolli. Naruto eagerly returned with water, and a tray of lemons.
     "Sashke!" Naruto blurted happily, as she wrapped her arms around the raven. Smiling, Sasuke wrapped his arm around hers.
      "These damn mood swings are killing me" Sasuke admitted. Naruto giggled as she found her usual spot on the raven's lap. She nuzzled her head into his chest as the raven caressed her back slowly.
      "I can't help it, It's part of the process!" Naruto glowed happily. Tenten looked around at the happy couples, but couldn't help but feel jealous. She took her leave, and eagerly went in the bathroom.


   "Sakura?!" Tenten jumped. Sakura looked at her with eyerliner smears down her cheeks. Smiling, Sakura waved.
     "Hey ten, hows it been!" Sakura hollered excitedly. Her face turned into a frown as Tenten slowly backed away. Her short pink hair lay all over her sweaty neck as her red tank top curled up around her stomach. Her red ripped jeans looked like they needed to be pushed up, and her face was completely smeared.
     "Sakura, are you okay?" Tenten whispered. The girls hysterical smile curved.
   "Yup, just f-f-fucking GREAT!" She smiled. Tenten slowly walked closer to the broken girl, wrapping her arms around the girls neck. Silently, the pinkie broke down.
     "I'm useless..." She repeated.

"No you're not babe, look let's get you cleaned up." Tenten hushed her slowly. Tenten placed her had on Sakura's pale cheek and rubbed off the dripping mascara.
    "Natural look?" Tenten smiled brightly. Silently, Sakura nodded. The two cherished their moment as Tenten cleaned the broken girl up.

"Finally, the end of the day!" Naruto huffed, and slug her bookbag over her shoulder. Nodding, Neji, Ino, and Shikamaru sat down under a almosg dead cherry blossom tree. Summer was approaching, this was their last year. The group worked on their festival project, which would be a ninja game made out of carved sticks.
   "Idiot, I want to have nine tails!" Naruto pouted angrily. The group nidded in annoyance as the blonde spat her orders.
    "Naruto, stop being such a DAMN brat for fucks sake!" Ino groaned.
     "Oh don't even go there Ino I know what-"
     "Baby...." Sasuke glared at the blonde who quickly hid her face. Sasuke smiled triumphantly as he still had some type of control over her crazy attitude.
    "Fine fine, just do your stick figure and I'll do mine." She huffed angrily.

I'm going to do a BIG 2 month time skip because basically nothing happens.

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