13) Forever in my mind

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"Hey Shikamaru...its 2am" Choji whispered.
"5 more minutes" Shikamaru replied lazily, and fell back asleep.
"Fucking idiot..." Choji responded.
"You must be talking about yourself dumbass" Shikamaru rolled his eyes, and saw slight blush creep on Choji's face.
"Yea yea, well I'm gonna check on everyone" Choji whispered, and brought a gun with him.

"Sasuke be reasonable, we cant stay here forever we have school on monday" Neji said, and stared at him. Sasuke sent a glare, which Neji gladly returned and the boys began to have a [glare war].
"Alright enough, can we please think of something" Ino sighes, and Neji instantly softened at her voice.
"Well..we have to stay here" Tenten confessed.
"Are you crazy, I have parents!" Ino shrieked

"We dont.." The 4 sighed [Tenten,Sasuke,Hinata,and Neji]
"I-Im sorry..." Ino blushed, and went to hide into his corner.
"Look, can we stay until Friday?" Sasuke sighed, and looked at his 'friends'
"Yea we should, Sasori might be right" Ino reasoned.
"Choji stop hiding" Tenten sighed, and looked at the lump in the wall. [Really just Choji]
"Ok ok, is everything alright" Choji said, and looked at everyones faces.
"Neji explain." Tenten said, and recieved a glare from Ino.
"What, Neji is my bestfriend" Tenten glared.
"Oh my gosh calm down" Hinata sighed, and looked at Sasuke who mouthed.
stay calm, and we'll find him

"Sasuke-kun.." Hinata whispered, and smiled. Hopefully things would look up.

1. How to outsmart Itachi

"U-Uh Deidara and I are going to the store" Naruto stuttered, and held a bag behind her back. She smiled awkwardly, and tried to look innocent.
"Are you now..." Itachi smirked, and watch Naruto nod quickly.
"We will be right back babe" Deidara smiled, and kissed Itachi.
"Yea see you soon" Itachi waved.
"Booyah!" Naruto and Deidara whispered, and did their signature handshake. The two blonde's left the house happily and made their way to the red broken down car.
"i know you're going to konoha...you loud fucks" Deidara read at the sign on the car.
"Fuck!" Naruto whined, and held her head in defeat.
"Baby that wasnt funny!" Deidara pouted, and stomped into the house. Itachi said their smirking, and sipped his tea.
"Aww are my wittle bwondies upsett?" Itachi smiled, and went over to Deidara and Naruto his smile quickly disappearing.
"Look you little shits, if youre gonna go to Konoha bring me with you" Itachi glared, and looked at Deidara. Itachi rested his head on Deidara's shoulder, and wrapped his arms around Dei's waist. Letting his hand hang down.
"We dont want a repeat of last night now do we..." Itachi smirked, and squeezed Deidara's ass.
"GYAHH!" Naruto hollered, and ran into her room.
"N-No..." She heard Deidara whimper.
"Good now, lets hear why you didn't want me to go?"
"Ahhhh......" Deidara sighed in defeat.
"Yes Lord?"
"I think your little chat with Sasuke Uchiha is working, please alert Itachi" The man smiled.
"Dont argue with me"
"Anything for you Lord Orochimaru"


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