17) Am I a girl?

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"No...blue bird!" Naruto screamed at Deidara in the front seat, who was clearly irritated at how loud one litle blonde could really be.
   "Blue bird"
    "blue bird"
"HAHA!" Naruto smiled, and quickly turned on Blue bird.
  "Brat" Deidara sighed, but sung along with the blonde nonetheless.
   "These two are crazy.." Hinata sighed, and looked at Sasuke who simply nodded his head.

And so they were off, on their way to meet Itachi Uchiha!!

"WERE HOME!!!" Naruto hollered, and quickly grabbed Sasuke's hand.
   "Dont be so..moody" Naruto whispered into her lovers ear and planted a soft kiss to his cheek.
   "Yea not making any promises" Sasuke huffed, but squeezed her hand tightly.
   "W-well m-maybe we should go meet Itachi" Hinata whispered, beginning to stutter again. The girl didn't exactly trust Deidara, sonething was off. How come Itachi didn't try to lock up Naruto or do something sick? Just what type of revenge did he want?

   "Can you not be so damn loud" Itachi growled, and walked down the stairs. Instantly the two Uchiha's eyes met.
  "Whos he?" Itachi scoffed, and walked downstairs to look at the raven.
   "Baby this is your brother, Sasuke.." Deidara smiled, and went to latch his arms around Itachi's waist.
   "I knew you two were gonna go find him..." Itachi sighed, and realized who the raven was.
   "W-well not exactly" Naruto sighed, and rubbed the back of her head.
   "Anyways...Itachi me and Naruto need some...questions to be answered." Sasuke said, and looked directly at his brother whom nodded.
   "Ah..follow me outside" Itachi said, and leaded them to a abandoned shed next to the house.

  "Why does Naruto have to be a fucking girl..." Sasuke growled at his brother, and waited impatiently.

"Im going to tell you this story, but please do not think of mother and father differently." Itachi said.

"Dad why does Naruto dress as a girl?" Itachi said, and glared at his father. Fugaku Uchiha was known to get his way no matter what happened, and if that meant threatening the elder blonde [Minato]then thats exactly what he'd do.
   "That isn't your concern" Fugaku said, and walked around his study.
   "Sasuke loves HIM, and he thinks that Naruto is a she!" Itachi growled, getting impatient. How could this man be so damn cruel?
   "Sasuke is to marry a Uzumaki, and Naruto is the only Uzumaki child for Sasuke!" Fugaku hollered, and looked at his son.
   "S-so youre doing this for that company?!"Itachi said shockingly.
   "You only care about the company, not Sasuke!" Itachi growled in disgust at the Uchiha.
   "Let me tell you how it happened then, and maybe Ill change your mind." Fugaku glared, and sat his son down at a chair in front of his desk.

There is a thing called 'Jinchuuriki'. Its made up of 9 beast. Each new beast adds on to the amount of tails they have. For instance, the 9th beast has nine tails.
This nine tail will allow the holder of it change its shape, size, anything you can imagine. There is one catch.

This fox remains inside of the human for eternity and the holder can go crazy at any moment. Naruto uzumaki was trained at a young age to contain it without even knowing. You might ask why Naruto has these tails? This was the only way...
to get Minato to agree.
A threat.

Now Naruto Uzumaki WILL be hidden as a girl to Sasuke, and they WILL get married when theyre of age.

  "I fucking knew it" Sasuke growled, and ran a finger through his hair.
  "We have to get m-married though?!" Naruto blushed, and quickly hid her face.
  "Yes, that is why Naruto has been transformed into a girl" Itachi smiled sadly at Naruto.
   "I-I-I mean its not that bad.." Naruto blushed, and looked at Sasuke.
   "Man you dont even know..."Sasuke sighed, realizing how much he was craving for Naruto lately.
   "Anyways, what are we going to do about Naruto being a girl..." Itachi said, and sent a glare Sasuke's way.

     "Thats my decision....something I need time for" Naruto spoke up, and watched the Uchiha's send glares at him.

  "Hn" They said in unison.
   "Well we should head inside.." Naruto sighed, and walked to the door.

  "You don't think anybody got them?" Tenten sighed, and looked at their empty corners. Neji, and Ino began to text them repeatedly as if that would help. Choji, Shikamaru, and Tenten began to track the twos whereabouts clearly thinking of the worst.
   "Choji....what if this was a thought out plan that we didnt know about.." Shikamaru sighed, and typed away on his computer.
   "Nah man...Sasuke would've told us right?" Choji said, and looked down at the computer.
   "Man...I dont even know at this point  Naruto really changed him." Shikamaru laughed.
   "He's such a drag..."
"You could be right though, I mean why else would Sasuke and Hinata bring their Nagamaki, and Kaiken swords?" Tenten said, and began to think of a reasonable explanation.
   "This sounds a bit risky, but maybe we should let this just...play out?" Shikamaru said, and looked at the two.
   "That does sound like the better thing to do..." Choji responded.
  "Yes, I agree..." Tenten whispered.


   "Well....thanks for dropping us off Dei..." Naruto whispered, and began to get emotional.
   "Aww are you gonna miss me?" Deidara smiled, and looked up at the blonde. The two, [Hinata and Sasuke] stood behind them watching the whole scene play out, began to twitch in annoyance at how....
just read..

   "Dont leave me dei!" Naruto sobbed, and clutched her stomach.
   "Brat, I'll be visiting you soon and dont give me any...surprises" Deidara said, and looked at Sasuke when he said 'surprises'.
"Okay okay, I'll miss you" Naruto smiled, and soon departed from her blonde friend.


"I'll be going to the spot, so I can inform the others." Hinata smiled, and hugged Naruto and Sasuke.
  "Cya Hinata!" Naruto smiled, and returned the hug.
   "Yes, see you" Sasuke said, and waved.
Soon Hinata was gone, leaving the two alone once again.

   "Dont think Im done with you...." Sasuke smirked.


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