24) Satomi Uchiha, my key too freedom.

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The beginning of a new chapter.

The restless wind made the curtains fly in the air, the sheer decoration reflecting on the white walls. A couple lay awake staring at the wall with no real interest.
"Baby what if Satomi doesn't want to debut, she's only 5..." A small blonde female whispered quietly. Her long hair flowed down onto the bed, her head turning to face her husband, Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke Uchiha was a wealthy businessman who happened to own 2 of the biggest companies in Japan. The raven was used to getting what he wanted, an obeying wife, and a tolerant child. All a sudden everything was changing, completely.
"I already said what I wanted," Sasuke said cooly, his eyes averting to the blonde's blue ones. Her eyes clearly raging with angry, but her voice portraying a very different tone. Sighing, the blonde turned her head in failure as Sasuke snickered.
"Plus, she needs to start-" Sasuke turned his head and realized he was being cut off by the footsteps of the blonde who simply walked out of the room. Her small body oddly made the bed feel extremely empty. Growling, the Uchiha pounced up to follow her.
Everything changed, my love changed. Sasuke used to be this cheery man, who listened and cared about me. Now the fame got to his head, and he's like a human-robot. Except this one gives commands. My feet slowly touched the cold stairs that lend to my child's room. The hair I desperately wanted to cut so badly left a trail behind me, while the even tighter nightgown itched so badly. Maybe I was completely wrong about the man I married, maybe this wasn't what God truly wanted me to be. Finally finding my way I creaked the door open to find my baby sleeping soundlessly in her bed. Her name was Satomi it meant wise and beautiful. She was true beauty in my eyes, she could do no wrong to me. Her glossy blue and black eyes were my favorites, the reminded me of the spark I shared with my husband. The love of my life. Sighing, I sat down on her bed. My cold hands finding it's a way to her warm cheek as I caressed it softly.
"Satomi?" I whispered to the small girl on the bed. Her body moved slightly while I scooped her into my arms.
"Baby, you've got to get up" I pleaded, the tears rushing down my eyes. Finally, the girl opened her eyes and looked up at me with a nasty grimace.
"Mommy what are you doing!" She hissed at me, her hands making it to my face as she slapped me angrily. In a split second, I threw her out of my arms. The ones I loved so much seemed to not return those feelings.
Right on time, my husband entered with a pale face. His eyes found mine as we shared a look of hatred.
"What happened? Why is your mother's face scratched up?" Sasuke growled at my daughter who shivered slightly.
"I-I don't know.." Satomi lied. The fear of being yelled at clearly shown on my baby's face as she pulled the covers up to her neck.
"Then why the hell are you here?" Sasuke pointed at me with a beat red face, his onyx eyes clearly tired. The anger, rage, and pain grew inside of me as he murmured truly hurtful words at me.

"Sasuke, stop it..." I whispered to the onyx who simply looked at me with shock. My body grew warm as I found a way to tell him what he's doing is completely wrong.
"Please...just love us.."
"Hell if you don't love me anymore then just love my daughter! She's suffering because of you!" I sobbed, my emotions jumbling all at once. I could feel tiny hands touch my shoulder, which was clearly my daughter. Her small smile looking down at me as if she had been in desperate need of those words.
"What are you talking about..of course...I-I"
"Look Sasuke, you've let this stupid fame get to your head!" I hollered at him.

"You have to choose...."


Hello! I'm going to go a different route with the story because I want the ending to have a better meaning to it. Stay Tuned for Chapter 25.

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