[6] Detention

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"How the hell does he expect to give someone detention but not fucking show up..!" Naruto groaned and took a seat. Suddenly there was a tap on the window.

She ignored it.

Then the tap got louder as if the person added a second finger.

She ignored it.

Soon there was loud banging.

"What do you want..." Naruto rolled her eyes. Then she froze, realizing it was Sasuke.

"C'mon princess hes not coming' Sasuke smirked, and walked to the door entrance of the school.
"T-teme..." Naruto blushed, and grabbed her school bags.

oh what are you doing to me...

Naruto quickly ran out of the building to find a shivering raven.

aww how cute. I mean it is January

"C'mon dobe.." Sasuke shivered, and began to walk ahead of her.

pacify her....

shes getting on your nerves

"Sakura..." Naruto whispered, and ran next to Sasuke.
"Sasuke..." Naruto sighed at the raven who was looking at him with a confused face. Naruto blushed even redder, those perfect onyx eyes, toned body, and his red nose made the raven look like a little baby.

"What is it"
"What do you think of me?"

Naruto hid his blushing face under his jacket, and turned his head before the raven could notice anything. Suddenly, Sasuke smirked, and wrapped his arms around the blondes waist.

"Youre my bestfriend, my sun, my ocean, my salvation, my everything." Sasuke whispered into the ravens ear.

Naruto hid his face even more, and simply nodded.

pacify her....shes getting on your nerves

Naruto pushed Sasuke back a little so their noses would be touching eachother.

stop lying with those words.

"Dont you understand..?" Naruto began, and locked her eyes with the raven.

i love Sasuke fucking Uchiha

Naruto plopped her lips onto the raven before her. Only parting when they needed breathe, the kiss began to heat up. Sasuke picked up the blonde, and slammed her back into a nearby tree.

"I love you..." Naruto muttered and kissed the raven slowly.

"Again..say it again"
"I love you I love you I love you I love you" Naruto cried out and looked at the smiling raven.

give me all of you in exchange for me



*Somewhere in Japan**
(An abandoned car)

"Now Itachi, we dont want to have to kill your brother too now do we?" A man whispered into his ear. Itachi growled, and kicked the man in his stomach.
"Aww...thats cute" Itachi pouted, and pounced on the taller blonde. Deidara smiled, and placed a kiss on Itachi's hand.
" But really 'Tach you should find your brother...he deserves to know the truth" Deidara tried to reason with the raven many times about telling Sasuke the truth.

Yes Truth hurts, but it had to be said no matter how much it would hurt the smaller Uchiha boy.

"You're not going to stop bugging me are you?" Itachi sighed,and took the long ponytail out of his hair. Letting all of it flow down to his back.

"Yea youre right....but lets continue what we started" Deidara smirked, and pulled the raven ontop of him. Itachi kissed Deidara's plump lips and grabbed both of the blonde's hands.

"You sure you want it like this?" Itachi smirked, but didnt wait for an answer. Their lips were once again touching, both fighting for dominance. (Deidara winning for once) Deidara, pulled away to catch his breathe leaving the saliva to fall somewhere on the car seat.

"What a drag..." Shikamaru rolled his eyes, and began to type away on his computer, leaving Choji sitting there with his chips.

"So Sasuke asked us to track this Itachi man and all you can do is eat chips?" Shikamaru sighed, and ignored the angry grunt from his bestfriend.

The only thing he found was old Instagram accounts, and the downfall of the Uchiha clan. Just what exactly did Sasuke need it for?
Shikamaru kept scrolling, and found a website called 'Akatsuki.com'.

"Cho come here.." Shikamru muttered, and scrolled through the website.

Then a mysterious article came.
Itachi Uchiha was a wealthy business man, and son of Fugaku Uchiha. He had fame,money,and the ladies just to throw it all away after the passing of Mrs. and Mr. Uchiha, and the entire Uchiha clan.

Except for Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha that is. Its a known fact that Itachi later joined a group called 'The Akatsuki', and has been rogue for almost 10 years ago. The last place the Uchiha has been spotted at was a downtown bar named 'The spot'. A member of the Akatsuki, by the name of Deidara was also spotted with Itachi Uchiha at 'The spot', and a case is still active to try and find him.

"You thinking what Im thinking?" Shikamaru smiled at Choji.

"Hell yea man...call the others"


Is this long enough for you guys?
Word count 787

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