19) Sasuke..my stomach hurts🤫

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"Tenten!" Neji flagged over the brunette, who was quietly studying in the library. Her eyes flickered in annoyance behind the book when she looked up and saw the Hyuga.
  "Yes?" Tenten scoffed and began to glare at the other brunette boy. His eyes gleaming with happiness, his hair practically electric, with his insanely cute smile.
   "I kinda need help with something.." Neji smiled nervously, while rubbed the back of his head.

   "Neji, I'm clearly studying" Tenten indicated, and held out her book for proof.

    "Ten...I promise it'll be quick!" Neji protested and received loud 'shhs' from working students.

    "Ugh fine, hurry up..."

"So there's this thing I want to do for Ino...."


"Okay, class..." Kakashi said tiredly, as he received a nasty grunt from Naruto.
   "As you know the annual festival this year, and it's you guys last year here!" Kakashi said and did jazz hands lazily.

   "DIBS ON SPOT C1!!" Naruto blurted and received giggles from the class. The class began to buzz with all their Gibbs, and ideas. Kakashi smirked but took this as his chance to open his porn books.

   "Baaabeee!!"  A pink-haired girl squealed and walked over to Sasuke Uchiha.

   "NYA HE'S MINE!" Naruto jumped in before the girl could ask to share a booth with him.
    "Nope!! I totally got there first!"

"No, you didn't forehead!!"

"DID TOO...UH UH, BIRD BRAIN!!" Sakura sputtered and blushed red at the laughing crowd.
   "Yea and either way my name is all over that now move along" Naruto scoffed, waved her hand in discussing and turned to sit next to Sasuke. Sasuke, being the quiet nerd he is beginning to shoot looks at both of the girls.
   "What?" They said at the same time. Sasuke grunted in disgust but pulled Naruto closer toward him.
    "Hey, Sasuke,  we need to come up with something for the festival y' know?" Naruto blushed while playing with her messy hair. Silently, Sasuke nodded while thinking of their recent events. Clearly, sex was far from Naruto's brain and she simply didn't think much of it. Sasuke did.

"hey sasu...?"

--- oOo ---

Finally the day was over, and the two lovers were on their way to their house.  Their conversations had been scared lately, and the tension only grew. A hurting Naruto, and a bitchy Uchiha. Slowly, Naruto intertwined her fingers with Sasuke's.
    "Sasuke...are you okay?" Naruto muttered. Truthfully, Naruto was always constantly worrying about Sasuke and his health. There was so many things the couple barely knew about each other.
    "No Im fine why?" Sasuke said flatly. Biting her lip, Naruto quickly hid her face.
   "N-N-nothing I just thought you needed to talk or something..." Naruto muttered, looking down at her feet  a hint of sadness filled the poor girls heart.
   "Aww were you worrying about me?" Sasuke smirked, while pulling Naruto closer to him.
    "Shut it Teme.." Naruto muttered into Sasuke's chest. These were the moments the two cherished.

The moments they could finally be themselves.

--- oOo ---
"Itachi..." Deidara whispered, only to find a sleeping Uchiha. Sighing, Deidara placed his hand on Itachi's cold cheek. Their relatationship had too been rocky ever since Naruto was 'found' by Sasuke. Quickly, Itachi's entire attitude had changed. He rarely spoke, joked, or even ate with Deidara.
    "Baby, you've got to wake up.." Deidara whispered into Itachi's ear. Softly, Itachi put his hand to Deidara's.
    "Im up blondie, Im up... do you need something?" Itachi sighed, and sat up from the floor.  Blushing, Deidara shook his head silently.
   "I-I-I- was just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me.." Deidara muttered, while looking down at the floor. Smiling, Itachi placed his finger on Deidara's chin and slowly pushed his head up.
    "Sure.."Itachi muttered while placing his lips onto the nervous blondes. Slowly, their kiss deepened.
    "T-T-Tachi..."Deidara moaned as Itachi slid his hand up the blonde's t-shirt. Rubbing the blonde's nips, Itachi pushed Deidara onto the floor.
    "Tell me..."

"Tell you  w-w-what?" Deidara groaned at the smirking Uchiha. Slowly, Itachi slid his hand in Deidara's pants. Moaning, Deidara looked down at Itachi's work.
    "Tell me who you love"


   "Yea fuck you too..."Naruto growled in frusteration as she angrily rubbed her belly. Smirking, Sasuke placed Naruto's sandwhich onto the bed and plopped down next to her.
    "Im sorry you just remind me of any angry pregnant lady" Sasuke shrugged, while looking at Naruto's belly. Maybe she was just getting fat. I dunno! Slowly, Sasuke placed his head onto Naruto's stomach.
     "What are you doing, weirdo?"Naruto grunted while folding her arms furiously.
    "Just making sure I didn't put a baby in you"

"Sometimes you're an asshole y'know that?" Naruto muttered, while pushing her head back on the pillow. Suddenly, an urge of pain shot through the girl's stomach. Dashing, Naruto quickly ran to the bathroom to puke up some more. Barfing, Sasuke came rushing in to help the poor girl.

Yea, something is wrong.

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