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"Ah..so you're allied with Mr. Itachi" Sasori smirked, and ruffled his hair. Orochimaru simply smirked, and nodded.
  "Well things are about to get interesting" Sasori smirked, and departed into thin air.
   "Ah I see he's learning some Jutsu" Orochimaru smiled, and licked his lips.
2. How to outsmart Itachi Uchiha
  "Babyy....its time to take your pills!" Deidara smiled happily, and came downstairs with a bottle of pills and thousands of hickeys. [🤭]
  "Thank you Dei" Itachi smiled, and kissed Deidara's nose. Itachi plopped the pill into his mouth, and looked at the water.
  "Thats sleeping serum..." Itachi sighed, almost forgetting the pill in his mouth. Instantly, Itachi choked up the pill.
  "Dei WATER!" Itachi screamed, irritated at how his own boyfriend tried something as dumb as that. Itachi was a former Akatsuki member what did he expect? Deidara came back with a cup of water, and quickly gave it to Itachi who gulped it down.
   "You're a fucking idiot I swear!" Itachi growled at his boyfriend.
   "Pleaaase dont be mad I just want to go to Konoha!" Deidara whined, and wrapped his arms around Itachi's neck. Itachi softened at the touch.
   "Hn...I want to go too it seems fun..." Itachi growled.
"Babyy just this once"  Deidara pouted
"I'll get Sasuke.."
"No I want to find him not the other way around."
Deidara smirked, and kissed at his lovers neck.
  "mmm..stop that" Itachi moaned, but let Deidara continuously suck on his sweet spot.
   "D-Dei...." Itachi moaned.
"Let me go to Konoha." Deidara said sternly, and bit onto Itachi's neck.
  "N-No..." Itachi resisted. Soon enough, Deidara was ontop of Itachi's lap.
   "Dont make me go there Uchiha" Dei whispered, and grabbed Itachi's shoulders.
  "W-Wait-" Itachi moaned, but recieved a surge of pleasure go through him as Deidara began to grind on Itachi's member.
  "Fuck..."Itachi moaned, wanting to out his head back.
  "Aww looks like someone is breaking" Deidara smirked, and sped up the pace.

"Dei fuck me..."Itachi confessed, and moaned.
   "Fuck me.."
"Say yes" Deidara moaned, and bent down, and looked at Itachi's face.
  "Y-yes...." Itachi moaned, and looked at Deidara. Deidara pulled down Itachi's pants, and quickly put all of his lover inside his mouth.
  "Just like that..." Itachi groaned, and balanced himself by putting his hands on the counter.
(A/N Heres what it basically looks like)

Deidara bobbed his head up, and down, beginning to feel pre-cum around his mouth

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Deidara bobbed his head up, and down, beginning to feel pre-cum around his mouth.
   "Im going to...." Itachi moaned, Deidara pulled out, and quickly sat on Itachi's member. Deidara winned[dunno if thats the right way to say it]his hips, making Itachi go crazy.
   "Im...cumming" Itachi moaned, and quickly came inside of Deidara.
   "Im sure you can handle another round right..." Deidara smirked.

Meanwhile upstairs
  "Gahh S-Sasuke.."  Naruto moaned, and squirted onto her bed. She rubbed her clit slowly as her legs began to shake.
   "Fuck...I havent done that since I had a dick" Naruto smirked.

Ugh I miss you...


   "Tenten FUCKING MOVE!" Sasuke hollered at the shorter brunette.
  "Stop hogging my sleep space ITS SUNDAY MORNING!" Tenten screamed just as loud, and recieved grunts from the rest of the squad.

  "Really Tenten, shut the fuck up" Ino rolled her eyes.

   "Go to sleep!" Hinata shrieked, ans rubbed her already red eyes.

   "Just a little bit of sleep...pleaase?" Neji pleaded.

Tenten turned a bright shade of red, and glared at Sasuke.
  "I hate you" She muttered, and pulled the covers over her head.
   "Ugh finally" Ino rolled her eyes, and went to go lay back down with Neji. Sasuke on the other hand, was almost certain about finding Naruto.

The recent sightings of Itachi were patterned on random Wednesdays. [Every two weeks] The first week at 11:58, the second 11:59, and This upcoming Wednesday would make 12:00am of course, Sasuke wouldnt tell his friends about this. He sounded absolutely crazy, how could a time and a date help them get Naruto back? That was just a risk Sasuke was willing to take. Sasuke scrolled through his phone, and looked at the pictures of him and his blonde.

I miss you too...

--- Monday ---

"What a drag we have a test..."
"We should totally get some steak after school."
"Choji you are so fa-"
"Fabulous!" Ino nervously laughed, and looked at Hinata and Sasuke who stayed still.
  "Were staying here" The two said in unison. The group glared at the pair, but didnt question their reasons.
  "Look, dont overwork yourself" Tenten sighed, and rubbed Sauske shoulder. Sasuke pushed her hand off.
   "Yea yea" Sasuke said, and walked back to his corner.
Tenten sighed, and left the Bar before the rest of her crew. The people she seemed to love the most, did they love her back? Why did everything seem so wrong for her, but so right for everyone else. Ino was happy, Shikamaru and Choji got over their petty bullshit, Neji obviously loved Ino, and Hinata started talking to Kiba. Tenten, well tenten stayed happy for everyone else. Tenten was supposed to be the glue, and even when she got tired or old she stayed there
but when could she be the sticks that were connected with the glue. Why did she have to always work so hard to keep everyone together?
  "Why do I have to hold this shitty group together..." Tenten huffed, and made her way to school.
  "I'll make Ino pay a-and Neji too.." She sobbed, and broke down on the curb. 

Why doesnt he love me...
Why is our bond broken

  "Tenten?" Shikamaru said, and ran up to the crying girl.
  "C'mon...lets go to school"  Shikamaru smiled, a genuine smile and held his hand out for her. Tenten returned it, and grabbed his hand.
  "Now...tell me whats got you this upset" Shikamaru said and pulled out a lighter. Tenten held is, as Shika lit his cigarette and puffed it in his mouth.
  "Its...Ino" Tenten confessed


The spot

   "So youre sure we'll get Naruto just by looking at times?" Hinata questioned, but nodded anyways.

   "Im certain, Itachi had to have something to do with this...hes not an idiot" Sasuke growled, and continued to type away at his computer.
  "Yea, but then we'll need to form some type of plan yea?" Hinata muttered, and angrily scribbled at her notepad.
   "Alright shoot" Sasuke smirked, and Hinata returned it happily.
  "we are getting him back.."

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