20) No way...

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Hello thank you for the people that continue to read my stories! Please go check out my new book titled 'Jumpsuit'. Im trying to step out of my box and be a bit more original.

Much love!

《 Naruto P.O.V.》

It hurts. My body aches, and my vision is hella blurry.
    "Sasuke, it hurts.." I cried. Slowly, I laid my head on Sasuke's chest. He, caressing my back as I softly sobbed. Just what the hell is wrong with me?
   "Baby, you've got to talk to me" Sasuke whispered into my ear.
   "Sasuke....d-did you...?" I muttered, looking up at my blushing raven. Slowly, his eyes widened.
    "I didn't get you pregnant..." Sasuke whispered to himself. Not even I would know if I was pregnant. It's probably just  a stomach ache.
    "Can you go to the store, please?" I asked, sighing he nodded and quickly left.
Did I do something wrong?


I couldn't be so stupid? Was I in need of her lust that much? What if she really is pregnant? I'm only fucking 19, and I refuse to ask them (aka Deidara and Itachi) for help. Sighing, I began to walk torwards the store.

  "Ohh hey Sasuke!" Groaning, I turned around to face another perky blonde. Ino Yamanaka, aka the owners daughter.
    "Hey...Ino" I said nervously, realizing I'd have to buy a pregnancy test in front of her. That'll only lead to suspicions, which leads to drama. Also known as.

Sakura Haruno.
    "So, ya need sum?" Ino beamed at me. Nodding, I walked to the back of the store. Grabbing the test, I threw it on the counter.
    "D-D-dont say it" I blushed red, and looked down at my feet.
    "EEK! Im so happy for yall!" Ino smiled, and punched me on the arm.
   "Alright alright, take the test and go I won't tell" Ino whispered, and held out her pinkie.

   "You're no fun I swear.." Ino pouted. Smiling, I left the store. Maybe things won't be as shitty as they are right now?


   Sobbing silently, I heard the door open. My stomach hurt, like hell. Sitting up slowly, Sasuke appeared with a blushing face.
     "J-j-just take it" He growled, and turned his face away from me. Growling, I walked over to the bathroom.
    "I take it when I want to, brat!" I snarled, and sat down on the toilet.
    "Close the damn door woman.."
"Whats so different, you've seen it before!"
Peeing, I closed my eyes. Waiting for the response. Sasuke looked at me with pleading eyes. Almost begging me, but for what? What was be begging for? Did he even want me to be pregnant with his child. Slowly, I looked at the test.

Silently, I shut the door closed

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Silently, I shut the door closed. My emotions were slowly getting the best of me. I, Naruto Uzumaki was pregnant. Sobbing silently, I was overjoyed. I was having Sasuke's first child.
     "Sasuke, do you want kids?" I  blurted. Shuffling around, I could tell Sasuke had his back to the door. Moving as quick as possible, I did the same.
    "I've thought about a mini-me before..." he whispered softly.
"Please don't leave me.." I sobbed. He couldn't leave me. I can't be alone, with his child.
   "You're pregnant..." Sasuke whispered, while slowly standing up.
"Holy fuck, Im actually going to be..."

   Slowly, Naruto opened the door to reveal a teary-eyed Uchiha. Her eyes widened at the thought of an Uchiha crying. Crying because of her.
    "Baby.." Sasuke muttered, and pulled Naruto into his arms.
     "I'm never leaving you okay?" Sasuke whispered, and slowly bit her ear.
"We'll get through this, okay?" The raven smiled, while caressing her back. Naruto quickly wrapped her arms around Sasuke's waist, her head still tilted up. Looking at him. Placing his lips on hers, Sasuke kissed the blonde lovingly. His tongue exploring her cavern, her face blushing red. Aggressively, Sasuke picked Naruto up while dragging her on the bed.
    "Bastard, Im still-"
Now, Sasuke attacked the blonde's lips. His arms on both sides of the blonde, trapping her.

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