23) Fishcake

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- Festival Day -

"Sasuke, are you ready?" Sakura beamed happily. Sasuke nodded slowly, and pulled out the velvet box he'd been saving for his love. Tenten suddenly appeared, and grabbed the pinkies hand tightly.

"Oh, Uchiha use your words!" Sakura groaned, and hit the raven on the head.
    "You're going to be a dad in 5 months!"
(Naruto is 3 months pregnant)
   "Now, are you ready?" Sakura asked again. Sasuke smiled brightly, his smiled becoming more frequent.
      "As ready as I'll ever be" Sasuke smirked. Tenten pumped her fist in the air.
   "That's the SPIRIT WOO!" Tenten hollered. Sakura has slowly been getting better at moving on. Currently, her and Sakura Haruno have been in a relationship for a month now. Shikamaru has been talking to a foreign girl, and so has Choji.
    "Baby, are you sure you're okay to show...?" Tenten muttered. She twiddled with her buns nervously ss Sakura gave thought to it. A faint smile arised from her face.
    "I love you, not him..of course I'm ready" Sakura whispered. Slowly, she planted a kiss on the brunettes cheek.

"Oh Naruto you're such an idiot!" Ino groaned. Ino pulled off the Kimono.
    "It's not MY fucking fault, Ive never put it on before." Naruto growled angrier.
    "Okay, but It's backwards babe" Ino snorted.
    "You're not thaat dumb are you?"

"SHUT THE HELL UP YAMANAKA!" Naruto huffed. Finally, the Kimono was put on the blonde.
    "Just because Im making a speech doesn't mean I have to get all fucking poofy and shit..." Naruto blurted angrily.

     "Ah hush, let me do my magic bitch"

Festival Time!!
Finally, the end of the night. The lanterns were lit, the seniors were in the crowd sobbing, and hugging their friends. Sasuke stood in the front of the huge crowd, the microphone held tightly in his hand. Naruto's loud cheers could be heard from the sidelines as her belly jiggled up and down. Their crowd of friends happily applauded, for
they knew what was to come.
     "Baby can you c-c-come up here?" Sasuke muttered into the microphone nervously. The crowd of fangirls squealed as they guys 'oohed and ahhed'. The crowd went silent. Naruto finally approached the front of the crowd, her round belly making her unable to hug the nervous raven.
    "Naruto, we've been bestfriends for, almost forever...you're my sun on a rainy day, my other half." Sasuke smiled down at the smiling blonde. Sasuke's hand found its way to Naruto's as Naruto squeezed it tightly.
Suddenly, Sasuke bent down on one knee and showcased the expensive ring.

nArUtO sAy YeS!

oH mY gOd sAsUkE iS sO rOmAnTiC!

The crowd awed, as flashlights came out snd the recordings started. Naruto looked down, startled at the question. Her poor hormones had her sobbing in a instant.
     "Yes, fuck yes!" Naruto sobbed. She threw herself onto the happy Uchiha.
    "I love you, so much" Naruto cried. The group ran up to the newly engaged couple.
    "Oh shit, my baby is all grown up!" Ino sniffed, and snapped a picture of the happy couple. Sakura beamed happily, and wrapped her arms around Tentens waist. Neji clapped Sasuke's back, Choji smiled brightly, and Shikamaru..for once he acknowledged the two.
  One more addition to the family!

Hello! If you have gotten this far in my story, this is the end of highschool Naruto and Sasuke and the beginning of their adult life. I will be continuing this story with only like 10 more chapters, but I hope you have enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I haven't forgotten about ItaDei, so just stay prepared for that!

Check out my other stories!

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