[5] The blonde with a secret

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idc what you say
neji is fine af and hes my new hubby

along with

Okay enjoy babes

"Naruto...its not just nothing" Sasuke growled by stayed frozen at the door entrance. Naruto simply stared at the floor.

tell him naruto...

"Sasuke...listen to me and don't blame anyone but me." Naruto muttered

*time skip cuz u already know hehe*

"Y-youre a guy.." Sasuke choked out and turned crimson. The raven didn't know how to feel about the information he was receiving. It was as if he didn't know his bestfriend.

"That's sick... m-my parents had to be behind this.." Sasuke muttered.

Why else would Kushina tell her son to be a female? Sasuke left the house, leaving a slightly confused blonde sitting there.

His teeth began to go to normal, his whiskers weren't so big anymore and all 9 tails disappeared in an instant.

now...were not finished here yet



kill her🤡
"I know Temari, just hurry up and get the job done"

"Yes..I have his password.."

"Baka!" Sakura hollered into her phone. Today was a pretty hectic day, she got dumped, and Naruto wasnt at school. She was pretty sure she knew why. Sakura plopped on her bed and smiled triumphantly.

"This isnt over...Naruto.."


Bring bring

"C'mon dobe let's go to class." Sasuke said to the shorter blonde. Naruto simply nodded and they two made their way into Kakashi sensei's class.

"Damn teacher always late.." Naruto grumbled and began to scribble on a piece of paper.

"Well I'm here now, and detention for you!" Kakashi whispered into the blonde's ear.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET BEHIND ME!" Naruto hollered and jumped a little.

Sasuke, and everyone else snorted because Kakashi sensei simply walked behind the blonde at the perfect timing.

"What are you a ninja?" Naruto muttered and blushed a dangerous shade of red.

Kakashi went on with the usual. Put on an education movie and read his porn books.


*At lunch*

"Naruto sit down.." Tenten sighed at the jumpy blonde. Neji laughed, and kisses Tenten on the cheek.

"oi lovebirds, pass me the chopsticks!" Naruto hollered and chuckled when the rest of the group jumped in their seats.

"Really man tone it down.." Kiba said rubbing his head sheepishly.

"what a drag.."
"Pass the chips"

Lunch continued peacefully and the group of friends enjoyed the day.


Sorry for the short chapter I'll double upload next time

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