[12] He didnt show...?

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--- 2am ---

"Sasuke..nothing has happened its 2am" Tenten said, and began to yawn angrily for the 10th time.
"You can go to sleep" Sasuke responded, but continued to type away on his computer.
"Yea goodnight Sasuke" Tenten yawned, and fell asleep soon after. Sasuke simply sighed, and continued to find as much research as possible about the Akatsuki.

You guys clearly dont care as much as I do about Naruto, and it shows. Falling asleep at 2am, well sleep is for the week for a reason.

"Sasuke-kun..someone is here" Hinata whispered, and quickly grabbed her Nagamaki, and handed Sasuke his Kaiken.
"Lets go..." She whispered, and made her way downstairs [Into the bars backroom]
She was right, there stood a man with a black cloak, with red clouds all over it. Sasuke, immediately realizing it had to be someone from the akatsuki.
"Who are you.." Sasuke questioned the red-head that was standing at the door.
"First I'd put that little toy of yours down..." Sasori smirked, and watch Sasuke glare at him.
"First I'd stop covering your face like the little bitch you are" Hinata spoke up, and quickly covered her mouth realizing what she had said.
"Anyways, your brother has requested that I give you some information about Naruto" Sasori said, and smirked when he heard a gasp from Hinata.
"The boy is completely fine, and he wont be getting hurt..yet" Sasori finished, and waited for the response of Sasuke.
"Hn, well what the hell do you want with us now" Sasuke asked, and not even a second later a Kunai was being thrown rigt at Sasuke.
"That doesn't mean I have some personal buisness with you.." Sasori smiled, and ran upstairs.

"I'll take him first" Hinata said, and opened her knife. Sasori threw another Kunai at Hinata, who simply slid her finger in the tiny whole and used it as another type of protection. Quickly taking action, Hinata ran torwards Sasori, and aimed her knife at his neck.
"Thats pretty cheap, even for you" Hinata smirked, and pressed the blade at his neck causing a small cut to appear. Sasori grabbed the Nagamaki sword, and kicked the purple haired girl's stomach causing her to fall backwards into a wall.

"SASUKE GO!" Hinata shouted, and clutched at her stomach. Sasuke, realizing it was his turn kept the Kaiken closed, and fought one on one with Sasori. Sasuke threw an aggressive punch at the red-heads face, and took the Kunai from his hands.
"Hmm...looks like we'll have to up it a bit" Sasori smiled, and kicked Sasuke to the side.
Sasuke quickly got up, and turned around to face Sasori only to find his group of friends having their weapons and fists aimed at Sasori.
"Now what do we have here..." Ino chuckled, and kicked Sasori in the stomach.
"Leave.." Neji said, and wrapped his arms around Ino's waist. Tenten, looking a bit jealous quickly went over to help Hinata. Sasori simply smiled, and exited the Bar.
"What the hell was that!" Ino exclaimed, and stared directly at Sasuke who simply shrugged.
"He came in, and simply said that Naruto was alright and all this shit" Sasuke sighed, clearly not believing the bullshit Sasori had told him.
"He might be telling the truth..." Neji reasoned with Sasuke, only to find the raven scrunching up his nose thinking of a reason to why he would.
"We're going to tell Shikamaru when everybody is awake..." Sasuke sighed.


"Mm..baby-" Itachi moaned, and turned his head to the side, giving Deidara full advantage to his neck. Deidara took this opportunity, and sucked on Itachi's exposed neck. Earning a few moans from Itachi.
"B-babeee" Itachi moaned when the blonde stopped.
"Tachi....I want you.." Deidara breathed, and began to rip off their clothes. Once they were both undressed, Dei whispered something to Itachi, and put the first finger in.
"Mmm...." Itachi moaned, and arched his back a little. Deidara began to finger the boys insides, making the raven moan louder.
"Be quiet...Naruto is still here" Deidara whispered, and planted a kiss onto Itachi's lips.

!!After enough fingering!!

"Im going to put it in...okay" Deidara whispered, and positioned himself. Slowly, the blonde entered the raven.
"Gosh...how...so...big" Itachi shuttered as Deidara began to move around the ravens insides. Itachi clutched the sheets, and slowly moved his hips along with his lover.
"Fuck..." Deidara moaned, and thrusted deeper into the raven.
"Dei....fuck.." Itachi moaned louder, and recieved an angry thrust from Deidara as his pace got faster, Itachi moans got even louder.
"B-baby Im going to..." Itachi moaned, and released all over Itachi, and Deidara releasing inside of Itachi more than once.

"GET A HOUSE YA BASTARDS!" Naruto screamed, and pulled the pillow over her head.
"So fucking loud!" Naruto groaned, and decided to get up anyways. The blonde entered the bathroom, and went to shower and brush her teeth. Since she wasnt allowed to go out of the house, the blonde went down to the kitchen and made some cereal. The rest of the day was Netflix, and chill.

For some people...

others were getting closer to finding Naruto Uzumaki

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