The plan.

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"Why at  a bar?" The raven questioned and looked at Tenten oddly. Her face flustered, and her eyes looking at everything but Sasuke. 
    "Ah, just so we could..catch up on our i-ideas.." Tenten muttered. Nodding, the raven exited the room. 
 "Great.," Tenten muttered. She pulled out her phone and began texting her blonde boss. 
 Somehow my mind decided to stay blank, and not think of anything. The pencil stay still in my hand as I stared blankly into space. No idea's coming to my mind, no creativity. Nothing.  Sighing, I decided to scroll through Instagram a bit. The usual, Uchiha Corp posts, and my husband. All over my feed. He'd probably made it on a #1 hashtag again. I hated it, all It took was a simple picture and he's on my mind all over again. What if I  was me, was I the reason he cheated, and neglected my feelings? Maybe I didn't please him enough. Sighing, I shut off my phone and laid my head on the pillow. The pillows I share with him, in the bed, we slept in. Inside of the room WE shared. Just as I was shutting my eyes, my phone began to beep. 

Groaning, I grabbed my phone to look at it, my assistant. Tenten. 

"Meet me at bar..7pm!" 

I don't wanna... 

N: ..can't I'm busy.. 

I just don't want to break in front of anyone.

T: Yea..with what?


T: Exactly..see you there!

N: Yea alright... 

Something felt off, we never met anywhere outside of work. Speaking of work, I hadn't shown up in weeks. Not that I'd go broke or anything, but my book is due in 9 months and I've barely written anything. Would I even be able to finish it? How the hell was I going to show my work to Sasuke, I can barely look at him... 
God, I'm a wreck..

anyways...I'll see yall tomorrow

[SN] Prepared for you💕 [Finished] Where stories live. Discover now