25) Drugs

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"You have to choose"

Those words replayed in my head as I looked down at my wife. Her eyes filled with brimming tears, my daughter just as distraught.
    "Choose you or  my career?" I sneered. I could feel that evil smile curl on my face, the one that could hide any trace of emotions I ever showed. I feel like a kid one who's afraid to tell their mom they did something wrong. Of course, Naruto didn't know what lies beneath it all, the darkness of my thoughts and feelings. The ones that would make her shatter, I was sure of it.
   "N-n-no y- I mean..you need to get your shit together, you're barely home a-a-and. I don't want us to crumble apart" She was stuttering, she meant it. Everything I tried avoiding was all the sudden happening to me. Yea the perfect life I lived in. I so desperately wanted to kiss her all over, and tell her I'm sorry. Uchiha's don't say sorry though. 
    "Y-you know I've got wor-"

"Fine Sasuke! Fine, it's fine..." She sighed, her anger clearly showing. I wouldn't even be that mad if she were to slap the shit out of me right now, I deserve it. 
    "Can we please..go to bed?" I felt my voice whisper. Silently, I slipped my hand into hers. Trying my hardest to comfort my lover. My daughter still lay in her lip with a fearful pair of eyes. Was  I that much of a scary dad to her? Did I do this to her? 
     "Look..I'll comes home earlier...we'll spend time.." 

I made my bed. Now I've got to lie in it.
- a few hours later -
7:30 am

"C'mon child!" Naruto squealed brightly, looking at the clock. It was 7:30 am Sunday morning. The girls quickly changed out of their pajamas and fled downstairs. Waiting for a grumpy Uchiha to wake up. 
   "Mommy...what if daddy doesn't wake up?" Satomi muttered to her mom, who was now flipping through channels enthusiastically. Frowning, Naruto turned to look at the confused blonde.
 "Then we wake him up, and he doesn't want that" Naruto smirked widely, vividly remembering their last attack on the Uchiha, months ago. 
      "hee hee yes I remember that time" Satomi giggled brightly, her blue eyes glistening with happiness. 
"How about we make breakfast!" 


So they were off! Satomi and Naruto Uchiha began cooking a delightful meal for their grumpy Uchiha. Their laughter and rocky vocals filled the air as a certain Uchiha stomped downstairs in annoyance. His face scrunched up in annoyance, and his hair in a sloppy nest on his head. Even worst, his clothes were barely covering him. His shirt twisted around his waist, revealing his stomach. His baggy shorts sliding off of his body, exposing a little bit of.. ahem. THAT. 
   "oi good morning daddy!" Satomi beamed and ran towards her sleepy dad. With a big THUD, Satomi was clinging to the Uchiha. Her attempts to make him happy clearly working. A small smile appeared on the raven's face. Yet this smirk wasn't a playful one, it seemed almost genuine. Weird right?
   "Goodmorning Satomi...what are you two up to?" Sasuke yawned while taking a seat at the table as Naruto set the plates down. Her eyes looking everywhere but into Sasuke's. 
"Ohh I made you breakfast!! Do you like it? You like?" Satomi ushered her father to eat the food the two made, which he complied to. 
     "You like it don't you!"
Nodding, Sasuke cut another piece for Satomi to eat, which she took happily. Munching quickly, the girl's bright smile appeared on her face. 
    "I could be a cook you know, I'm just that good" She boasted proudly, even though truthfully it was her mother's years of cooking class that prepared breakfast. Speaking of, the blonde hasn't said a word to the raven yet. Clearing his throat, Sasuke picked at his foot nervously. Realizing their conversation was far from over. 
     "I'll be going now." Naruto sighed, and got up to leave. The atmosphere completely changing as Satomi watched her mother leave the scene helplessly. The sorrow clearly showed. 
( I want to talk to you but it's so complicated )


(You shut me out, let me in..)


  "I think it's my cue to pretend to watch tv, cya!" Satomi winked happily and plopped onto the couch. Sighing, Sasuke made his way upstairs. 
I love you so much it hurts to see you this way 


I opened the door to find my wife, well obviously. That's kind of cheesy. Retake!

Sometimes I feel like I need to vent. She was the person to vent to. The person I could scream to for hours, and she'd still love me the same. She never turned on me, yet I felt disgusting for turning on her. I was truly disgusting, I didn't deserve her love. I knew that. But I can't live without her. I know that for a fact. Without her who would I have? 
    "Baby..." I sighed, finding my wife glaring at me angrily. Her golden hair in a messy bun, her tight nightgown showing her figure a lot more. She was perfect. Her eyes, I drowned in them, her scent I indulged in it, and her. I lived for it. I can't keep this secret for her anymore. My feet slowly made it next to her on the bed. 
   "I've got...to tell you something..." 
"Lord...what now Sasuke" Naruto groaned in frustration. 

"Do you remember when I was..."
--- HEE ----

It had to be like 1 am, I just lashed out on the love of my life. There was this familiar girl eyeing me from a distance. She looked completely shitfaced if you asked me. Everything she said and did was in slow motion, but I understood it. Her body looking way sexier in my vision, her hair a mixture of blonde and pink. Maybe it was Naruto, finally giving in. 
    "aruto?" I groaned at the girl. She simply smiled at me. 
"Yes, sweetie?" Naruto whispered to me, her voice so soothing to my throbbing headache. Slowly, I felt a pair of hands rub my back slowly. My eyes were drooping, I felt like going to sleep right then and there. 
   "tah me home..." I whispered. She whispered some words to me, then shoved some type of drink down my throat. Instantly, I felt wobbly, and dizzy. My eyes were burning. Then everything was...black. It was empty. 

I'm sure you know the rest. 
"You got drugged?"

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