32) I want you.

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Days Later

Tenten had taken days off of work, which was pretty understandable. Today Naruto walked in a full-on Gucci outfit. She had black Gucci heels with a black Gucci dress. She topped it off with her usual Gucci accessories, and the iconic 50's hairstyle Kylie Jenner pulled off. Naruto walked in feeling like a million bucks this morning. She was extremely happy to work on her project. She considered it a prize for Sasuke's loyalty. Considering he would be loyal of course. This book would tell Sasuke about all her feelings and emotions. Naruto waved good morning to her friends Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji.
"Morning Naruto..." Shikamaru waved from the printer. Lately, he was eyeing Naruto's temporary secretary, Temari. She was a beautiful girl with blonde hair, pale skin, and pretty teal eyes. Temari was a pretty girl. No denying that. Naruto actually took a liking to her determined attitude. The girl reminded Naruto of a younger version of herself. Yes, Temari was about 3 years younger than her.
"Hello Tenten, I actually have a proposal for you! " Naruto happily clapped her hands.
"Y-yes..what do you need Mrs. Uchiha?" Tenten smiled happily. Naruto explained to her where the copy machine was (the one Nara was standing at) she was to collect all the papers and hand them out to everyone. Temari seemed to be blushing madly.
"Y-yes...right away" She stammered. Chuckling, Naruto thumbs up Shikamaru who was blushing just as deeply. Naruto stalked into her own office. She hadn't realized how much of a mess the place had really been.

Time to get to work!
-- oOo --
Sasuke couldn't stop thinking about Naruto. His mind seemed to focus on everything but work, and his thoughts got worse. Covering his face, the man tried to push the thoughts out of his mind. It was begging him to make a move. To prove to his wife that he was worthy enough of her love. But was that what she wanted as well? He'd have to try. Now. Sasuke got out of his chair, confidence-boosting inside of him. The man walked down to his wife's office with his shoulders broad. His head held high.
Sasuke opened the door to find Naruto on all fours bending under her desk. Perfect. He felt his member growing harder and harder.

'ꜰᴜᴄᴋ ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱɴ'ᴛ ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏꜱᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴ'

Sasuke gulped. Naruto looked incredibly hot in her tight black dress. The way her heels almost slipped off her feet. Everything about her seemed to turn the freaky man on even more. Sasuke stood there, waiting for Naruto to notice. Him. Which she did. Screaming, the girl fell on her butt.
"B-bastard don't you scare me like that!" Naruto hissed. Sasuke stared down at her, the man couldn't find any words. Nothing. Nothing would come out of his mouth. He could feel the confidence draining from his body. Although you couldn't see or tell this, Sasuke felt weak. A pretty face could make him this in love?
"Helloooo! Sasuke!?!" Naruto hollered. She used her desk as a way to balance herself again and walked over to her husband. Sasuke's face turned a bright red.
"Are you okay hun? You don't look too good..." Naruto touched his forehead.

'ɪꜱ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴍʏ ᴄʜᴀɴᴄᴇ?'

Sasuke leaned in to kiss Naruto's lips. The blonde girl's hands slowly falling off of his face and pressing onto his chest. The man reversed their positions while slamming the girl on the wall. Sasuke slid his tongue inside Naruto's cavern. He loved her taste, her touch, her moans. Feeling stupid for cheating he began to bite her lip aggressively.
"sasuke.." Naruto moaned. Looking up at her husband, Sasuke looked down. Their faces both a bright red.
"Woah...that was really unexpected..." Naruto heaved. Both of her arms were clutching Sasuke's shirt. This obviously caught the girl off guard.
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have.." Sasuke muttered to himself. Not noticing the small smile that was on Naruto's face. She pecked his cheek.
"Is this your way of telling me you're sorry or something?" She giggled. Sasuke looked down at her. He could show her better than he could tell.
"I want to fuck you...badly.." Sasuke blurted. He pressed his lips onto Naruto's. Was it hot in there? Or was it just him. Sasuke picked the girl up by her legs,which she quickly wrapped around his waist. The two departed once more. Looking at each other with faint smiles. It felt right. In each others arms with the goofiest smiles plastered on their faces.

Learn to pronounce

an intense feeling of deep affection.

Sakura was laying on the bed of Tenten and hers. The memories of last night hit her like a bus. She'd been staying there for days after their breakup, due to having nowhere to go. Not like it excused her in any way.
Last night.

"How could you do this to me! 6 years of my fucking life down the drain. SIX SAKURA!" Tenten threw her glass of wine at Sakura. The girl held her hands up to dodge the glass going at her.
"I-I'm sorry..." Sakura muttered. Tenten's rage only worsened. The girl began to throw anything in her path at Sakura. How could someone be so cruel? She disregarded Tenten's feelings completely.
"You...you..I can't even be mad at Sasuke...he was drugged out and drunk...but you..YOU!" Tenten breathed heavily. Tears streamed down her face.
"I'm sick of you, get your shit...and leave..." Tenten walked upstairs. Making sure to slap her once more before leaving. Sakura stood there with a crestfallen face. Nobody was going to forgive her, she knew that. Maybe it was time for her to leave the picture...

Sorry for the crappy chapter...I didn't really plan this one out this much...anyways should Sakura leave?

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