16) Naruto Uzumaki!

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----- Wednesday 10:45

"Okay baby, were leaving!" Deidara smiled brightly and went to go kiss his lover. Itachi grunted.
"Yea yea, just to be gone too long" Itachi sighed, and pecked Deidara on the cheek.
"Aww how cute!" Naruto fangirled [insert heart eyes😍]. The two boys glared at the lone blonde, and scoffed.
"Alright, lets go on our trip!" Naruto exclaimed and pounded her fist in the air.
Quickly, the two blondes exited the house and entered the car. Their 30 minute drive was waiting for them.


"H-hey lets go out" Hinata stammered, and looked at her friends.
"Steak?" She smiled brightly, and got the rest of the crew hyped. Tenten even smiled at them, and Neji finally said more than a sentence. So it was settled. Hinata took out her phone, and texted Sasuke. [Whom was sitting across from her Their little plan was working perfectly, and soon enough they would have Naruto. Hinata, and the crew put on a fresh change of clothing.
"See ya Sasuke!" [Ino
"Later, stop eating that Choji" [Shikamaru]
"L-later *munch*" [Choji]
"Talk to you later, Uchiha" [Neji]
"By Suke" [Tenten]
Sasuke simply waved, and waited for the crew to leave.

Sasuke sighed, got out his Kaiken and waited.

--- 11: 40 ---
"Alrighty, can I stop at 'The spot' I like to just hangout there sometimes." Deidara asked, and got a nod from Naruto.
"Y-yea sure" She smiled, trying her hardest to contain her emotions. Her teeth began to grow longer, and her whiskers getting darker.
"Ehehe..." Naruto smiled, and covered her face with her bookbag.
"Okay...lets wait about..." Deidara checked his watch.
"15 minutes" He sighed.
"For what?" Naruto pouted.
"Dont argue with me blondie."
"Dont argue with me blondie" Naruto mocked, and twiddled with her fake ponytails.
Ill see you soon (;

- Steakhouse -
"Ill be right back!" Hinata smiled, and ran to the bathroom. When she got there, she quickly took the clothing iut of her purse. [Shorts, and a tanktop] and changed her clothes. Soon enough, her hair was in two buns and the makeup was removed from her face. The purple-haired girl quickly opened the window, and climbed out of it.

Im coming Naruto.


"I-Im here!" Hinata whispered, and rushed upstairs to what they called their 'bedroom'. She quickly went to her corner and grabbed her Nagamaki.


"...im scared" Hinata admitted, and quietly thought about all that could go wrong.


"4 more minutes...."



The door opened and....

"Hinata!" Tenten called, and walked around the bathroom stall. The girl was nowhere to be found, and only tenten seamed to realize that. The brunette tried texting her friend.

"Fine....be that way" Tenten huffed


"BASTARD IT DOESNT TAKE 15 FUCKING MINUTES TO JUST SIT IN THIS DUMP!" Naruto shouted, and smacked Deidara's head.
"You never shut up do you" Deidara whispered, and recieved a glare from Naruto.

Sasuke smiled to himself, and looked at Hinata. The two stayed silent, waiting for their moment.
"Alright welp...do as you please" Deidara said, and pulled out his phone.

"Idiot, give me my phone"
"The one you took two weeks ago" Naruto rolled her eyes, and held her hand out. Deidara smirked, and gave it to her.
"Dont worry, I programed your phone so no texting Sasuke" Deidara laughed, and watched Sasuke blush.
"Why cant I go back to him...I already told Itachi everything" Naruto sighed. Deidara shrugged.
"Look, you'll be with him soon..." Deidara smiled sadly.

Sasuke looked down at the two blondes whom were sitting on a broken table.

"Well...youre right" Sasuke said, and looked down at the blondes.
"GAH ITS YOU!" Deidara shrieked.

"Sasuke?" Naruto whispered, and looked into his eyes.
"Naruto..." Sasuke returned the look, and watched as the color filled the Uzumaki girls eyes.
Quickly, Naruto

ran up to Sasuke, and hugged him. Sasuke fell to the ground.
"Hey..." Sasuke smiled, and held her closely.
"Sasuke...and H-Hinata" Naruto sobbed. Hinata smiled, and went over to hug her friend.
"Deidara....Itachi wants to talk to Sasuke right?" Naruto sniffed.
"Baby...can we please go see Itachi" Naruto muttered into the raven's shirt.

"Well if we do, we have go go quickly so come on" Hinata snapped.

And so they were off!

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