34) I love you more...

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  imagine if sakura was actually like that tho ^ 😪
     Lo que siento 
      𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝

    "Well I mean it was pretty obvious you had a crush on Shikamaru.." Choji rubbed his nonexistent beard while looking up as if the answers were on the ceiling. Temari glared at him. She seemed to have no fear of what she was saying, or what she meant by all of this stuff. Shikamaru had been on her mind, constantly. Like she couldn't get that pineapple boy out of her head even if she tried to. Not that she tried yet. The feeling of her heart beating fast just thinking about him, and their lips touching each other... 

'𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒃𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒐-𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒓'

     "Was it that obvious?" Temari chuckled. Choji awkwardly joining in. Choji's eyes wandered off in every other direction while Temari stared at him with interest. 
  "So, you going to help me or not?" Temari asked with a hint of excitement in her voice. Her eyes glistened, and a small smile appeared on her thin, glossy lips. Choji's face turned bright red. 
         "Y-yea..sure..." He nodded slowly. Not sure his mind was thinking the same thing his feelings were.   

The deal was sealed.

Sasuke and Naruto finally walked inside their house. The cold breeze from outside filled the house. 
      "Sasuke...I feel like we're missing something.." Naruto looked around for any clue. Finding none, she tiptoed upstairs. Sasuke went towards the kitchen to grab an apple. Approaching the last step,  Naruto turned the corner to find her daughter's bedroom door halfway open. She slowly opened it, a dark figure staring right back at her. 
      "You're late." The voice said flatly. The voice was deep and annoyed. 
  "You need to learn how to pick your damn kid up... it's not my job to play parent to her" The man stood up. His shiny gray hair illuminating from the light behind them. 
       "Kabuto..what are you doing here?: Naruto scowled. 
"Doing your job."  Kabuto brushed past Naruto. The loud thuds of his footsteps could be heard. Then the voice of Sasuke. Who seemed to be just a shocked as Naruto was.
      "whattayoudoinghere!?!" Sasuke looked at Kabuto with bulging eyes. Chewing the last bit of his food, the man stood up straight. The usual look of an Uchiha taking over him. A small smirk appeared on Kabuto's thin lips.
   "Don't play that stupid little businessman act on me. I'm sick of playing the role you're supposed to be playing." Kabuto's smile faded. Sasuke walked closer to him, the two's eyes never left each other. A small blonde female walked downstairs to watch the encounter. 
         "I never told you to play 'parent'," Sasuke said coldly. 
"Worry about your own children. Word on the 'streets' is you have more than 1 unborn ones to worry about." Sasuke snickered. Kabuto clenched his fists. Clearly angered by what Sasuke said. All he was trying to do was help the rich bastard out, and this was what he got for his reward? A slap in the face, a slap he wasn't willingly going to take. He punched Sasuke in his stomach. 
     "You're so lucky you're rich Uchiha because right now I'd kill you if I could!" Kabuto looked down at the man on the floor. Sasuke looked powerless. Naruto quickly ran down to his aid. Only to be stopped by the raising hand of Sasuke.
     "Please don't intervene." Sasuke smiled at Naruto. Aghast, Naruto backed away. The raven stood up. Looking beat down already. 
  "You Uchiha's and your stupid ways. All I wanted was a thank you and I can't get that?" Kabuto looked at the dirt in his fingers. 
        "Then you blatantly disrespect me, and my 'unborn children'!?"  Looking up, Kabuto's face was red with anger. His eyes glistened. Sasuke quietly watched his anger build up. 
  "I don't take that shit lightly Sasuke. It's best you don't mess with me."  Kabuto turned around to exit the household. Before things got way too messy, and his threats became reality. 

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