31) Its not my fault...

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The two were gawking at each other. As if the request was such a big deal.
    "Why, why can't you choose somebody else?" Naruto pouted in frustration, the past month has been hectic. She's barely had enough time to finish the first chapter of her book. The blonde girl wasn't even sure she wanted to finish it. It wasn't her fault. It was Sasuke's fault for putting her in the position she was in right now. Huffing, the blonde girl crossed her arms.  
    "I've advertised you so much..there's really no turning back now.." Sasuke pointed out. The raven stood up, as well as walking over to the window. He pulled the curtains open to reveal a huge Uchiha build board with the face of his wife.
    "That's you, you're the face of this damn business.." 
"and you want to back out?" Sasuke chuckled lightly while playing with his hair softly. The man had faith in her, he was ready to talk. He was ready to promise her anything she wanted. 
    "My wife wouldn't do that, she'd go above and beyond to achieve her goal and greater." 
 "That's why I loved her.."
Naruto sat there speechless and emotional. She really wanted to break down and tell him about her terrible things were going. Why she was being to distance and naive towards her peers. It was so much for her, for Tenten. The poor girl probably had no clue what had gone on behind closed doors.
    "I loved my husband..."
"He wasn't a coward...he loved me"
   "He's changed...for the worst"
"He's always mad, always avoiding me, always controlling me." Naruto closed her eyes. The memories of the yelling and the arguing. The bullshit she wanted to get rid of. Sasuke changed, she hated this new change. Sasuke finally faced Naruto. 
     "Controlling?" Sasuke looked down at his feet. She could tell he was thinking of what to say next. The hazy look in his eyes, the way his body shifted back and forth. He did that a lot in Highschool.
    "Sasuke I couldn't do anything..you made me be this perfect wife." She wasn't 'the perfect wife' standard. She finally realized she would never be. He would never be 'the perfect husband' standard. He was good enough without all of this. Why didn't he see it? Naruto just wanted the true love of her husband. 
       "Is there a reason for it all? What triggered yo-"
"Sakura. She'd tell me about how much of a good wife you were, if only you had long hair and expensive clothes on 24/7" 
   "My dumbass believed it, I thought that's what got you happiness. It only made things worse now that we're here..." 
Sighing, the raven plopped back down in the chair. Naruto simply nodded silently. 
    "Excuse me." Naruto stomped out her husband's office. She peered around the corner where Sakura Haruno's office was. Slamming open the door, she found the girl sitting in her old desk. Sitting there. Sobbing. 

'it's all fake naruto...'

'she did this to you before'

"Y-you're sick! You..ruined my relationship, I trusted you..." Naruto whispered. Circling her desk the blonde explained her pain. Her discomfort. Her anxiety. 
    "Why...why did you do this?" The blonde's voice raised. The anger setting into motion. She wanted to slap the shit out of her right now, but she had class unlike others. 
"I'm s-s"
"Save it Haruno, tell me why." 

"I love him," Sakura admitted. She told the blue-eyed girl about how the whole time she's been using her to get closer to Sasuke. To be one with him, to have the child that Naruto had. The pinkie already had the perfect name for the baby, if it was a girl. (Guess what name is it! (: ) Anger boiled inside of the Uchiha wife. Swiftly, she slapped Sakura's cheek. Leaving a red hand mark. Naruto was breathing heavily. Her breast moving up and down along with it.
     "You- you think you can just....you-you"
"What about Tenten!"
    "What about all the fucked up shit you've done! Y-you're sick, a-and..."
Almost right on time the brunette girl came rushing it with a pale face and a heavy box in her hand. 
   "Hey baby, I've got you your box..I can help with you-"
"Baby? Tuh, that bitch is a cheater." Naruto laughed hysterically while stomping out of the pinkie's office. Putting on her best smile the girl walked back into her husbands' office. 
    "You know what, I'll have your book finished by the end of this year," Naruto stated. 
"If YOU stay loyal, aren't a cheating bastard, and don't listen to bitched with dyed hair-"
    "You have dyed hair..." Sasuke chuckled. Blushing madly, Naruto pointed her finger. 
"Yea b-but..."
"so don't trust girls with crazy colored hair?"
"Got it."

   "I-I'll be going to work now.." Naruto bit her lip, feeling oddly guilty about her last statement. Nodding Sasuke waved her out of the room. She left with a bright smile on her face and a surprise for her husband in 11 months from now.  
10: 57 am

   "What did she mean by cheating?" Tenten's fist was bawled. They were shaking with fury. 
"Please..don't get m-mad I didn't mean it..." Sakura muttered in-between hiccups. Tears slowly fell down her eyes. Tenten took no emotion to this and began pressing for details.
   "Which bastard was it I swear I'll kill them-"
"Sasuke. It wasn't his fault. I kept coming on to him. I got him when he was drunk" Sakura said quickly. Tenten froze. Sakura could really go that low? The blonde girl quickly stood up. Walking closer to the brunette girl, Sakura grabbed Tenten by her waist and began kissing her ceaselessly. Tenten repeatedly pushed the girl off of her. 
    "N-no..." Tenten muttered with a bright red face. Sakura's mascara dripped down her cheeks. Making her look x10 worse than she already did. 
"It's over, after all, I've done for you..this is how you fucking repay me?" Tenten looked at Sakura with clear disgust. 
   "Out of all the people you choose my boss when he's drunk? You've fucked up Sakura..." Tenten gulped down her tears. She shuffled out of the room. Leaving Sakura to cry about her troubles.  
Tenten ran into the nearby bathroom. Tears fell out of her eyes, she felt betrayed and hurt. Why would someone go so low just to cheat? Was Sasuke better? What did he have that she didn't? 
   "Why! Why why why why!" Tenten punched her fist into the mirror. Shattering it leaved images of her in 14 cracks. 
"What's wrong with me...." 

Poor Tenten. What do you think will happen was Tenten finds out about the truth? Do you think Sasuke will be truthful, and finally be the husband Naruto knew he could? The tea is just beginning. 
I'm sorry for the lack of YAOI I promise it's coming to the next chapter.  

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