The Siege of The North

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It was a perfectly normal day, and for once I was in a good mood. So I decided to get up early and watch Katara and Aang practice water bending.

Katara beat pupil after pupil. I was proud of her, she was finally getting really good.  Aang on the other hand... not so well.

I watched as Katara beat another pupil.

"Nice try, Pupil Sangok. A couple of more years and you might be ready to fight a sea sponge." Pakku said, unfreezing the poor boy from his ice trap. "Would anyone care for a rematch with Katara?" I looked down at the boys, who were clearly no match for Katara. "Katara you have proven to be more advanced th-"

"I wanna fight the 'Great Pupil Katara'" I got up and bowed to Katara. 

Her face turned red. "You know (Y/N), I don't think that that's particularly necessary..."

 "The Dual Bender would really like to see what the Great Pupil Katara can do,"  I fake pouted. 

"Dual bender?" Pakku asked me. 

"Oh, you didn't know?" I used one hand, and let 4 octopus-like water tentacles flow from it, then I used my other hand to imitate the same move, but with fire. 

Pakku and the rest of the pupils stared in awe. 

"Come one Katara, I'll only use Water, I promise,"

"Yes Katara, I'm very interested to see what this Dual Bender can do..."

Katara grumbled, and then stood in a fighting stance. 

She attempted to bend a wave of water at me, but I froze it before it could reach me, Katara then froze a ball of water, and sent it hurtling towards me. I dodged. 

"Come on Katara! Fight like you mean it!"

Katara groaned in frustration, and tried to use a water whip on me. I brought up a water shield, then, froze the tips of my fingers, sending ice daggers in her direction. It was a simple trick, but always effective. "I think your Gran Gran would do better than this!"I taunted.

Katara brought up an ice shield in defense. Then she unfroze the shield, and sent the water in my direction. I barely dodged in time. She really was growing. 

"Ok Katara, that was fun, but this ends now,"

I raised both of my hands, and made a dome of water around Katara's body. Then, I froze the sphere, trapping her inside. 

"H-hey, (Y/N)? Let me out of here!"

"Oh I'm sorry, Great Pupil Katara, are you stuck?"

Pakku clapped, and I unfroze Katara. I walked up to her and hugged her, "in all seriousness, Katara, you are an excellent water bender,"

"Oh, thanks," she blushed and hugged me back. 

I pulled away, and went back to sitting down. 

Pack turned to Aang, "Pupil Aang!"

Momo landed on Aang's head, and Aang sat up "Yes, Master Pakku?"

"Care to step into the sparring circle? I figure since you've found time to play with house pets, you must have already mastered water bending."

"I wouldn't say mastered, but check this out," Aang used water bending to make himself into a snow man.



Black snow.

I knew what it meant. 

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