And... We're Back.

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I left my friends.

I don't know where they are now. 

Aang must be learning earth bending now. I wonder if they thought about me. I wonder if they even cared that I left. Somehow, I didn't think they did. 

Iroh still hasn't woken up.

I sat by his side with Zuko, using water bending to heal him. 


Iroh blinked, he was waking up. 

"Uncle ... you were unconscious. Azula did this to you. It was a surprise attack."

"Somehow, that's not so surprising," Iroh groaned. 

Then he turned and saw me, "(Y/N)? You're back?"

I gave him a weak smile, "I'm back."

Iroh smiled at me and Zuko handed him tea. The tea wasn't very good, but I didn't have the heart to tell him. 

"I hope I made it the way you like it." Zuko said, handing his Uncle some tea. 

Zuko turned away for a moment, Iroh drank  the tea and gagged. I stifled a laugh. 

"Good. That was very ... uhhh ... bracing. "

Zuko handed him another cup, Iroh looked at it in disgust. When Zuko was turned away he threw the cup out. I smiled at him. 

"So Uncle, I've been thinking. It's only a matter of time before I run into Azula again. I'm going to need to know more advanced firebending if I want to stand a chance against her. I know what you're going to say: she's my sister and I should be trying to get along with her." Zuko said. 

"No, she's crazy, and she needs to go down." Iroh replied. 

"He's not wrong," I said, laughing.

Zuko and I left Iroh to rest for a bit, before we started training. 

Everything between Zuko and I has been extremely awkward. 

"Hey, (Y/N)!"

I turned to him, "Yeah?"

"Thank you, for staying."

I hugged him, "Zuko, I know I left you, and I'm sorry for that. But if you need me, I will always be here for you. I'm by your side. Always."

He tightened his grip on me. And I felt something wet slide down onto my head. He was crying. 

"But- that doesn't mean I'm going to help you capture the Avatar. Aang and the others are my friends. I will however kick Azula's butt."

I felt him nod, but he didn't pull away from the hug just yet.

After a few minutes he pulled away and held me at arms length.

"I met a little boy when I left Uncle," he said suddenly, "he was energetic, kind of annoying, and he asked a lot of questions. He reminded me of you."

"Wow... thanks, Zuko..." I laughed. 

"Hey, I'm just saying..." He chuckled with me. It felt good to see him laugh, it had been a while. "Oh, (Y/N), I almost forgot,"


He turned away and dug through his bag. He pulled out a familiar golden jewelry box. He handed it to me, "Here."

I gasped, "My mother's box! I thought for sure you would have lost it by now."

"I'd never lose anything of yours."

Zuko x Reader: Love Burns [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now