The End (Part 3)

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The End is here. 

I quickly regained control of my body. I stared at the professor, who was laughing as if he had just achieved a great feat. 

Which I guess he has. 

I pushed him into the cell and locked it. He kept laughing.

"I have to say (Y/N), you've impressed me. You have got to be the only person to ever win the sympathies of an evil spirit so easily."

I reached into the bars of his cell, grabbed his collar and slammed him against the bars. The look of loathing I gave him had to be unmatched, "you stop this right now, or I swear I will-"

"You'll what? Kill me? Then how are you going to get it to stop?"

My vision blurred, and I smiled, "No, sir. I'll just make you wish you were dead." I felt air circling around me, and the earth around me lifted as well. 

I grabbed the bars of his cell and bent it backward. And for a split second, I saw pure, unadulterated, fear in his face. 

And I liked it. 

The feeling of being in control. 

I loved it. 

Then I felt my hand snap backward, but curiously not hard enough to break it. The professor fell back into his cell. I felt myself being lifted off of the ground, and my mouth essentially sewed itself shut. 

I knew this feeling. But I've never been on the receiving end of such bending. The person wielding it was strong, but not strong enough. I relaxed my body so my opponent thought they had the upper hand. 

"Not so strong now, huh?" I heard a voice far too cocky for someone with such average bending, yet the voice had an odd sense of familiarity to it.  

The professor coughed, "thank you, daughter," he composed himself and smiled, "back to your old self, I see?"


I felt myself slowly being turned around, 

Hey, (Y/N), I thought we were supposed to be like winning this fight. With all due respect... what are you doing??

Wow, I forgot all about you, Shi. Now, shut up and let me do what I'm doing. 


I was face to face with Chika. She was clearly the "seven-year-old" I saw before but aged at least 10 years. My airway tightened and I spat out blood and smiled, "what's up, traitor?"

She smiled, "well, you. I didn't think it'd be so easy to apprehend you after you completely destroyed my friends. I mean-"

"Ok, I'm gonna stop you there. I am not a fan of evil monologues. Can't stand them. Never have, never will, so, please. For the life of me. Shut. Up."

She frowned, "those are some bold words for someone," she twisted my torso in ways I didn't think it twisted, and felt blood bubbling in my throat, "who's losing miserably," she smiled and released her grip on my head, and I let my chin fall to my chest. 

I looked down at the ground and smiled, watching the blood drip out of my mouth and onto the floor. 

(Y/N)? You're getting your ass kicked. 

No, I'm not. 

Then I laughed, "you know Chika, it's awfully curious that you really think you can beat me. I mean," I laughed again, then looked her up and down, "please."

My throat closed slightly. 

"What are you talking about? I'm beating you."

I lifted my hand, much to her confusion, "how are you-?"

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