Happiness? What's that?

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I woke up with Zuko on top of me.

I groaned, "you're crushing me!"

Zuko's eyes fluttered open, "huh? wha-" I pushed him off me. He looked around, confused, "what gives? I was comfortable!"

"Ok, but I was literally suffocating!"

I heard a knock at the door. I looked at what Zuko and I were wearing which was.. the blanket. I starting getting up to lock the door.

"Don't come i-" Katara swung the door open. She looked at us and slammed the door shut.

"I said DON'T COME IN!" I yelled after her.

"I have to go purge my eyes! Team Avatar meeting in 5!" She yelled back, and I heard footsteps running away.

I looked at Zuko, who was still under the covers. He looked mortified.

I crawled into the bed and gave him a quick peck on the forehead. Then I got up and yawned, "have you seen my clothes?"

He started stuffing my clothes under the blanket, "clothes? What's that?"

"Ha ha, very funny. I almost forgot to laugh," I held out my hands, "clothes."

"Wait," he slipped into his clothes and ran to the closet and picked out traditional Fire Lady robes, "where this."

"Zuko.. I can't"

"Why not? You're going to be the Fire Lady... aren't you?"

"I can't argue with logic," I laughed and grabbed the robes. I slipped them on.

I brushed my hair, then Zuko's and we walked outside.

I noticed that we had landed, but not at the Palace, we were in Ba Sing Se.

I walked out of the ship with Zuko, and met Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph.

I yawned, "is there a reason we're here... and not home?" I looked around, "where's Chika?"

"Sleeping, she is just a child after all," Aang said, "and, we're here because there's someone here who hasn't gotten to see you yet," he gestured at the Jasmine Dragon.

I smiled, "Iroh. Wait- no one told him I'm alive yet... right?"

Katara looked confused, "no... it's not like we have really fast means of communication here."

I laughed, "yeah someone should invent like a small rectangle that lets you talk to people across the world in seconds."

Sokka looked at me weird, "oh, yeah sure, next thing you know everyone would get their own personal vehicle to ride around," he scoffed.

I laughed, "you're right, that sounds crazy," I looked at the Jasmine Dragon and smiled, "well, what are you guys waiting for? Let's surprise my soon to be uncle-in-law!"

Zuko opened the door, "Hi Uncle."

Iroh's back was to us, "Zuko, you sound cheery today... what happ-" Iroh turned around and saw me. He dropped his tea cup, causing it to shatter on the floor. For once, he didn't cry over the spilt tea.

His mouth was open, then his expression softened. He ran to hug me, "(Y/N), I- I don't know what to say," he pulled away, and I saw a tear roll down his cheek. He smiled at me.

"I missed you too, Iroh." I smiled.

"Call me Uncle."

"Well... not yet?"

"Nonsense!" he handed me a cup of tea with small marble-like things on the bottom, "try this!"

I took a sip, "why is the tea chewy? It's good, but... it's chewy! And... I think it's missing something," I used water bending to make the tea ice cold, I took another sip, "much better," I handed it to Iroh who sipped it, and his eyes lit up.

Zuko x Reader: Love Burns [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now