The End (Part One)

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[(Y/N)'s POV]

Two weeks. I've been competing for control of my mind, for two weeks.

Zuko checks on me every five minutes. Katara and Aang have their heads buried in ancient texts, searching for a way to get this out of me. Sokka and Toph are traveling to all the holy sites in the world, to learn more about Shi. They're expected to come back today. I doubt they've found anything. 

Chika has been acting weird. She seems to be getting older. Fast. She was seven. But it looked like she had grown 4 years in two weeks. She looked eleven, and she won't stop growing. 

She's also growing increasingly worried. And, she disappears for hours at a time. 

No one's paying attention to her or even noticing, but I'm bored. I notice everything. 

It's because she's lying to you.

Ugh, don't you usually wait until at least halfway through the day to talk to me? 

I can't control hearing your thoughts, I'm literally a part of your conscious. 

Alright, fair enough. But what do you mean, she's lying to me. How would you know?

I know a lot of things. I'm a great, all-knowing spirit, the spirit of death. Plus, I heard her talking to the professor when they were making a plan to get my conscious into you.

Oh. Well, why didn't you say anything this whole time?

Uh, because I'm not on your side?

Ok, then why are you telling me this now? 

Because. I could be on your side. 

Yeah ok, like my mother always told me, " (Y/N), don't listen to the evil spirit housing in your body."

Your mother told you that?

Well... no. I was eleven when she died. But the point is, she would have. 

I heard Shi sigh. 

I heard running from outside my door. 

Someone's coming. 

Someone's coming. 

Yeah,  genius, I just thought that.

My door opened with such force that my jewelry box started tumbling off of my nightstand and onto the floor. I sent a small disk of air, and its fall was cushioned. 

Katara, Aang, Zuko, Sokka, and Toph were at the door, with something odd etched into their faces. 


I haven't seen that in... well in a long time. 

I know, it's disgusting. 

I ignored that comment and looked up to Katara who looked like she was about to explode, "yes?"

"I've figured it out!" She yelled, holding out a really, old book. 

"You can get this thing out of me?" I said skeptically.

"I can't. But I figured out how. I-"

Toph cut her off,  matching her joyful attitude, "more importantly, there's something terrible coming."

I gave her a confused look, "why'd you say that like it was a good thing?"

"Because, now that we know, we can stop it," Sokka answered for her, beaming. 

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