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hayley walked downstairs and greeted her sister and her father who were both eating breakfast. hayley grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it, savouring the slightly sour taste of it.

"any plans today?" 

hayley asked aloud causing her sister and her father both to look at her. charlie shook his head whereas bella explained how she was going to the beach with her friends from school. hayley nodded before she walked out the door after telling her father that she was on her way to work.

as hayley was driving to the auto-mechanic shop which was just on the outskirts of forks, she came to a screeching halt when she found a woman in the middle of the road. 

worried, hayley got out of her car and ran over to the red haired woman and began to check her pulse. hayley gasped in shock when she felt no pulse, assuming that the woman was dead, hayley ran back to her car and pulled out her phone and dialed 911. 

what she didn't notice was the woman slowly walking behind her, her teeth bared and her ruby red eyes glinted with hunger. the woman waited for hayley to turn towards her before she pounced at the brunette and tackling her onto the ground. hayley screamed when she saw the woman's eyes. the mysterious woman tsked.

"aww poor baby." 

the woman tainted as she stared into hayley's tearful eyes. the smirked before saying 

"this will hurt a little."

 the smirking woman bared her fangs and stuck her face into hayley's neck. just as she was about to bite hayley's neck she was thrown off by a livid looking rosalie who was growling. emmett roared ferociously as he attempted to grab the woman. the curly haired woman scoffed before dodging the bear like man. rosalie however, ran over to hayley who now had tears running down her beautiful face.

"w-w-what are you?"

 hayley whispered as she looked into rosalie's now black coloured eyes. rosalie felt nothing but anger as she stared at her mates teary eyes and felt nothing but hatred towards the nomad. rosalie didn't want hayley to find out about their secret this way. the couple wanted to tell hayley when they went to dinner. rosalie pulled hayley into a hug telling her how she never wanted her to find out like this.

hayley looked away from rosalie and stared at the ground trying to block out the sounds of rosalie whispering and emmett's loud growling which soon stopped when the nomad finally disappeared and he saw his mates on the ground. just like rosalie, emmett too felt hatred for the unknown nomad and wanted nothing more but to rip her to shreds. 

when he approached rosalie and hayley he pulled the two girls into his arms and whispered in hayley's ears just like rosalie had only moments before.

when the two vampires pulled away from their mate, they both waited patiently for their mate to shun them. but what they got was the exact opposite of what they thought was going to happen. hayley got up and pulled them into another hug shocking the two vampires. 

when she finally pulled away she looked into their shock filled honey coloured eyes and said: 

"explanation now." 

emmett and rosalie nodded before they picked up their mate with ease and put her into emmett's jeep where they drove to the closest restaurant in hopes that food would be able to calm their mate down.

to be continued...

love bound → emmett cullen and rosalie hale Where stories live. Discover now