dating rosalie hale would include:

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gender neutral reader insert

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gender neutral reader insert

-rosalie loves pda. she wants everyone to know you are hers. 

-her hands are constantly either around your neck or around your waist. 

-let's be honest a majority of the school know who you are with and wouldn't dare to flirt with you because they wouldn't want to deal with an angry rosalie. 

-to the five percent who are brave enough however will be on the recieving ends of her death glare anyone. she will death stare absolutely anyone who looks at you twice, she doesn't care who it is, boy or girl, man or women if they look at you funny rosalie will instantly be on their asses. 

-easily jealous, whenever she feels jealous she will go over to you and instantly start to make out with you in front of the person who made her jealous. 

-will leave hickeys on your neck so that people know you are hers. lord help the two of you if emmett ever finds out about them. when he does however, he never let's you live it down, he will make fun of you about it any chance he gets. 

-classy and romantic dates. 

-loves buying you flowers and chocolates and will take you to the most expensive restaurants in forks just to spend time with you.

-holding hands and cuddling is also a must for this woman. she loves cuddling when you are alone. 

-she will also take you chopping and will spoil you because she thinks you deserve it.

-i feel like if you were a human she might get annoyed with human habits because you might be doing something romantic like cuddling but then you will need to get up to go to the toilet. she will get super annoyed at you if you do that. 

-if she is working on a car, you will just be sitting there next to her passing her whatever tool she needs while also listening to music on your phone. 

-she was super annoyed at you at first because you didn't know a single thing about cars and tools. 

-"wrench please." 

-"here you go." 


-"why are you looking at me like that?"

"this is a spanner." 

-she will have to teach you about tools before she let's you pass her tools again. she will also teach you how to change a tyre as well as how to do an oil change so that when there is a off chance that something like that happens when she is not around, you will know what to do. 

-you will give her the love that she has been missing out on her entire life and she will be forever grateful for you because of it. she knows she can be difficult sometimes but you have never given up on her. 

-when you become a vampire, you will both travel to places like rio and spend a week in rio on isle esme just kicking back and having fun. 

-she will forever be yours and you hers. 

-she couldn't ask for anything more/better. 

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