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third pov

"and then they took me to a waterfall and then we had a moonlight swim. god it was so beautiful." 

hayley ranted to charlie who was eating his plate of eggs and bacon. according to charlie, bella had left earlier with edward cullen. it took hayley a couple of minutes to process that bit of information before she was finally got over it.

"well that sounds like a lot of fun." 

charlie smiled. he didn't know why but he always felt more relaxed around hayley then he did around bella. i mean sure he would speak to bella but it was only for casual things and it was only for a few minutes. with hayley however, charlie could talk to her for hours on end about the most random of things. he was always there for her; for her first boyfriend, her first date, her first day of high school. he wasn't just her dad, he was her best friend.

"it was." 

hayley sighed dreamily. charlie couldn't help but grin at his love struck daughter. sure she has had other boyfriends but he has never seen her so....in love before. not even with ace. this was refreshing for charlie because he was always so used to hayley being hotheaded and serious but ever since she met emmett and rosalie, she's become a lot more calm. charlie liked it.

"anyway what are you three doing today?"

"oh um emmett and rose are taking me to meet their parents."

"that's good have fun and be safe ok?"

charlie said as he stood up from the table.
"going already?"

hayley asked surprised because usually during the weekends, charlie doesn't leave until 10:00 and that wasn't for another two hours. charlie nodded.
"yeah we might finally have a lead as to what happened to waylon."

"waylon? what happened to waylon?"

hayley asked cautiously. she had no idea that something had happened to butt crack santa.

"waylon was murdered,"

hayley gasped in shock at the revelation.

"we're still trying to figure out what happened. there were no prints at all."

"how did he die?"
"throat was slashed. it was disgusting to look at."
hayley couldn't help but grimace at the explanation. it didn't help the mental image that her mind decided to make up. she couldn't believe that he was murdered. she did however feel like she knew how he got murdered.standing up, hayley walked over to charlie and kissed his cheek as he walked out the door.

"have fun kiddo."

"i will."

as soon as the door shut, hayley released a sigh. she pottered around the house cleaning it up from top to bottom because she needed something to occupy herself with until emmett and rosalie arrived. however while she was cleaning, hayley's mind couldn't help but wander to waylon. the way that her father described her death sounded like an animal attack but for some reason she though that she knew better. she felt like it was something else. hayley stood in the middle of the hallway pondering over her thoughts before everything became clear.


she whispered fearfully as a shiver ran down her spine. hayley felt her knees buckle as she fell to the ground. it was so clear now - the no prints and the slash marks.
"oh god."

she whispered as hot tears began to run down her face. she couldn't help but mourn for waylon. growing up, hayley adored waylon and looked up to him. she saw him as an uncle and she loved playing pranks on him. and now he was gone. hayley continued to sit on the ground sobbing for at least an hour before a knock at the door disturbed her.slowly standing up from the ground, hayley walked to the door and swung it open to reveal rosalie and emmett who's smiles were immediately wiped off when they saw hayley's red

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