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third pov

"heya kiddo you gotta wake up now."

charlie said from his spot by hayley's door. he watched as hayley groaned in annoyance before rolling herself out of bed and onto the floor.

"i'm up."

she growled as she made her way towards her closet and pulling out her outfit for the day which consisted of a pair of light blue jeans that were rolled up at the ends. for her top, she decided on a dark blue thrasher jersey which was a present from her mother when she was sixteen. walking over to her drawer, she pulled out a long pair of socks and put them on before she stuck her black vans on. 

hayley walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of juice and began to make herself a bowl of frosted flakes, her favourite cereal. she sat down at the table and began to eat while making small conversations with her father. just as she got up to put her bowl into the sink, her phone

teddy bear emmett 

hey babygirl be ready, rose and i are picking you up for school, in five minutes.


kk nearly ready! just gotta find my books.

after she sent her message to emmett, she ran upstairs and hurriedly got her books and stuffed them into her bag. she then rushed downstairs and gave her father a kiss on the cheek.

"leaving already?"

charlie asked as he watched hayley make her way towards the front door. bella was watching her older sister as well.

"yeah, emmett and rosalie are taking me to school today."

"emmett cullen and rosalie hale?"

bella asked shocked that hayley was actually able to interact with the cullen family whereas she couldn't.


hayley shortly replied.

"they're good kids those kids."

charlie said gruffly causing bella to look at charlie in disbelief.

"they are. bye!"

hayley exclaimed as she opened the door and ran into a rock hard chest. just as she was about to fall over, she felt two arms wrap around her waist and hold her up. looking up she smiled when she saw emmett smiling down at her.

"teddy bear!!!"

hayley said as she wrapped her long arms around emmett's neck and burying her face into the crook of his neck. emmett chuckled before he pecked hayley on the head.

"hey babygirl. have a good morning?"

he asked as they made their way to the jeep where rosalie sat waiting in the passengers seat.

"good morning love."

rosalie said as she turned to look at hayley who smiled and pecked rose on the cheek.

"morning bubba."

 hayley replied as she buckled herself into the seat while emmett started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

"so what should we do after school?"

hayley asked her mates. rosalie smiled at hayley through the mirror before replying.

"we're going to take you to meet the rest of our family."

hayley was excited but she also couldn't help but feel nervous at the thought of meeting her mates parents. emmett as well as rosalie sensed their mates hesitation and warmly smiled at her.

"don't worry babe. they'll love you."

emmett said as rosalie nodded in agreement. this made hayley feel a little better as she smiled again.

"i sure hope so."

she said as they pulled into the school parking lot. emmett was the first to get out of the jeep followed by rosalie who opened the door for hayley who gratefully smiled back at her. hayley could feel everybody's judgemental and shocked stares when they saw rosalie smiling at the oldest swan child. she didn't let it bother her though.

 together the trio walked towards their first classes ignoring everyone else. the three mates spent their first half of the day chatting to each other which came as a shock to most people since most people were afraid of the vampire couple and tended to avoid them. especially rosalie, everyone was scared of her because she was the 'queen of ice'. she was deemed this because of her stone cold glare which could sent even satan himself running for his life. people were also scared of emmett simply for his sheer body size. i mean who wouldn't?

it was eventually lunch time and hayley as well as emmett and rosalie made their way to the cafeteria where the rest of the cullen family were already waiting. as they were making their way to their table however, they stopped when they heard the same sandy haired blonde boy from weeks ago cough into his hand while muttering out the word slut.

 this cause all of his friends to laugh. rosalie and emmett not so much. hayley however couldn't help shedding a few tears as a terrible memory that she thought she had buried resurfaced against her will. while she was experiencing her flashback, she was unaware of a certain kind reading vampire who was watching as well.


hayley unlocked the door for her small apartment of which had been renting out with her boyfriend, ace. ace was a very tall boy who stood at around 6'3". ace had curly blonde hair as well as blue eyes. it wasn't his looks that attracted hayley to him, no it was his funny personality. hayley loves someone with a good sense of humour.

when she walked into her apartment she wasn't prepared to see her beloved boyfriend of whom she had shared a three year relationship with, to be making love to her dear best friend rebekah. her best friend since elementary school.


 hayley whispered broke my a's tears began to cascade down her pale face. the pair looked up from the couch both sporting guilty expressions but hayley knew better by looking into their eyes. she could tell that they weren't sorry and that they were just saying t so that she would leave them alone.

"baby it's not what it looks like!"

 ace exclaimed as he hurriedly stood up from the couch while covering his manhood. rebekah was using the cushions from the couch to cover up her naked body.

"oh really? so you weren't just fucking my so called best friend behind my back?"

 hayley asked sarcastically as she wiped her tears away from her face as she began to glare at the two people she thought she could trust the most besides her family.

"oh that didn't mean anything baby!"

ace continued to say to try to get hayley to forgive him. alas his efforts were fruitless and all he was met with was a hard slap to his face causing him to hiss in pain.

"and you still continue to lie!? you know i don't care anymore all i wanna know is how long this fucking affair has been going on for!"

 hayley roared as she continued to glare back and forth between the two. if looks could kill right now, rebekah and ace would both be ten feet underground.

"you wanna know how long? fine, i'll tell you! ace has been coming to me for the past five months and you wanna know why? because your too busy going around being a slut to be able to please him!!"

rebekah screamed back at hayley, a smug smile on her face. hayley scoffed.

"i'm the slut? bro if anyone here is a slut it would be you! you were the one who slept with justin two nights ago! if anybody is a slut here it's you!"

hayley shouted as she slapped rebekah across the face sending the blonde haired girl to the ground in shock. as hayley turned around, she didn't expect to be punched in the face by ace who was now glaring at her in hatred.

"don't fucking hit her! she's right i wouldn't have had to go to her if you weren't too busy being a slut that you were too tired by the time you got home. you know what i'm glad i went to her she's shown me more attention these past five months then you have the passed year!"

ace bellowed as he moved to help rebekah up off the ground gently caressing her cheek which now has an angry red handprint on it. hayley's nostrils flared as she watched the interaction.

eventually she scoffed as she loved towards the bedroom. walking over to the closet, she grabbed her clothes and stuffed them into a suitcase that she had brought the last time she had gone on vacation with ace. after she gathered all of her personal belongings, she made her way back to the exit of the apartment which was now blocked off by ace who had his arms crossed over his arms.

"and where do you think your going?" he demanded as he was shoved to the side by hayley who scoffed.

"leaving, i have a feeling that if i stay here any longer, i'm going to catch herpes from the both of you. have fun with your new hoe bitch."

hayley growled as she shoved past ace and out the door, slamming it hard on the way out causing the remaining couple to flinch at the thunderous sound.

all hayley could think about as she left her past behind was the one word which broke her heart into a million pieces.


end of flashback

to be continued

love bound → emmett cullen and rosalie hale Where stories live. Discover now