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third pov

hayley let out an exasperated groan when she heard her alarm go off. rolling over in the bed, hayley became severely confused when she didn't feel any of her mates next to her like they usually were. so, springing up from her comfy bed, hayley made her way downstairs where she had hoped they would be. she searched everywhere and found no one. she didn't even see esme like she usually would.

"where is everybody?"

hayley asked aloud, she sat down at the bench on one of the stools and decided to think about where her mates could be. she thought for a while before she was bought out of her thoughts by her phone ringing in her pocket. hayley hastily picked up her phone hoping for it to be one of her mates, but to her dismay, it turned out to be charlie.

"good-morning dad."

hayley greeted bringing the phone to her ear. she was about to ask charlie about his morning but she immediately stopped when she heard charlie sniffling.

"dad what's wrong?"

hayley demanded worriedly. charlie had sounded like he had been crying and crying is something he never did.

"it's bella-"

before charlie could finish off his explanation, hayley was already asking over a million questions.

"what's wrong? did something happen? is she hurt? where is she?"

hayley ranted in one breathe.


charlie shouted into the phone trying to get his eldest daughter to calm down enough so that she could hear him.

 was hayley's sheepish reply as she waited for charlie to reply.

"bella left last night...she's moving back in with your mother."

after charlie said this, hayley felt her heart stop. bella left? was it because of their argument yesterday? hayley couldn't help the pit of guilt that began to bubble up in her stomach making her feel uneasy.
"did she say why?"

"edward broke up with her."

charlie explained causing hayley to choke on literally nothing. edward wouldn't do that, he loved bella too much. this was when she knew that something was definitely up.

"don't worry dad, i'll call her and try to convince her to come back."

"thanks hayley."

"everything will be alright, i know it will be. i'll talk to you later ok? bye."

"bye princess."

once charlie hung up, hayley immediately attempted to call rosalie and emmett, unfortunately nobody picked up. this only added to her worry.

"come on, pick up!"

 she urged jumping in her spot. when she got no answer, she threw her phone onto the couch. hayley ran her fingers through her hair for a minute before she finally stopped and ran outside to the garage.

"please be there."

she whispered to herself as she threw herself through the door. when she looked around, she saw that all of the cars were gone and it was completely empty. all hayley found was a lone piece of paper taped to one of the cupboard. snatching the note from it's resting place, hayley impatiently opened it and began to read it aloud.
dear love,
if you are reading this, then this means that you have woken up and noticed that em and i are not there with you. please do not worry about us, we have all left to help your sister.

 as it turns out, james is hunting bella and edward made a plan to help her out. i will be leading james away from forks while em follows edward to make sure he is alright. don't worry we'll be back soon.

 i'm sorry we didn't tell you, we wanted you to stay back because we didn't want you to have to worry about bella.

we're sorry and don't forget that we love you so much.

- rose and em 

"oh my god."

 hayley breathed out in disbelief. her worry and guilt from before was quickly replaced with white hot anger that began to seep into her blood stream.

"they didn't want me to worry?! well it's a little too late for that now."

hayley ranted pacing back and forward in the garage.

unfortunately she was too busy pacing in her spot that she didn't notice a certain curly haired vampire watching her from the garage entrance. a devious smirk was plastered across her face as she continued to watch the human rant to herself. she didn't know what it was about the human that had fascinated her. she didn't know if it was her beautiful onyx eyes that always seemed to shine with determination or how she was always so focused on her family. she didn't know what it was, but she wanted to find out.

"aww did your mates leave you behind?"

hayley let out a gasp as she looked towards the entrance. hayley slowly backed up, away from victoria who only continued to speak.

"why are you backing away for?"

she teased smirking at how scared hayley looked.

"what are you doing here victoria?"

hayley demanded trying to keep her voice strong but was failing horribly. she didn't like the malicious look that shined within the red haired woman's eyes as she stalked towards her. hayley thickly swallowed before she remembered about alice being able to see the future. after realizing this, hayley began to pray to whatever god was out there to let alice know what was happening.

"wouldn't you like to know."

victoria taunting while shrugging her shoulders. she slowly stalked towards the quivering girl and slowly ran her finger down hayley's cheek. the girl couldn't help but let a shiver escape her body when she felt how cold victoria's finger was. she wasn't use to how cold vampires were because to her, rosalie and emmett felt as though they were the same temperature as her. hayley swallowed once more.

"yeah i would like to know."

hayley snarled pushing victoria's hand away from her face. victoria smirked once more before full on laughing gleefully. hayley just hoped that she was hopefully able to buy her mates enough time to get back. well, if alice had even told them that is.

"your so feisty....i love it!"

victoria exclaimed clapping her hands together.

"we're going to have so much fun together!"
"what do you mean together?"

hayley said, she had hoped that maybe one of her mates would've already arrived but to her dismay, all she remembered was getting knocked out by victoria. the last thing she remembered feeling was.....hopelessness.

rosalie pov




i asked bringing my phone to my ear.

"rose, it's hayley."

alice said through the phone. i immediately stopped what i was doing as my eyes widened.
"what's wrong with her? alice what"s wrong with her!"

i demanded into the phone.
"it's victoria....she took hayley."

guilt was all i felt when alice said that. if only emmett and i had brought hayley along with us.
'i failed.' i thought to my self as venom began to drip down my cheeks like a waterfall.

"i'll tell e-em."

i replied shakily before hanging up and dialing emmett's number. the phone rang once before he picked up.

"rose did something happen?"

he questioned seriously. i let a sob wrack my body which instantly let him know that this was serious. "rose what happened?" he asked his baritone voice held a tone of finality.

"victoria has hayley."

i whispered shaking, all i heard on the other side was emmett letting out a roar of rage. i also heard carlisle grab the phone from emmett and say to me.

"emmett will circle back and then the both of you an search for hayley while we help bella. we'll help you two after we finish with james."

 carlisle explained while i nodded and made my way back to the house which now stunk victoria's scent mixed with hayley's.
i waited for an hour before emmett arrived, a furious expression on his face. together we began to search for any clue of where hayley could be.
emmett pov
rage is all i had the ability of feeling at the moment. rage aimed towards not only victoria but also myself and rose. i know she feels the same way i do. if only we bought hayley along with us. rose and i spent hours looking for clues that could lead us to hayley but unfortunately, victoria somehow masked her scent with something so we couldn't track them. despite all of the chaos that was happening, rose and i knew one thing....we were going to find hayley. and we were going to bring her home.

no matter what.

love bound → emmett cullen and rosalie hale Where stories live. Discover now