who you are related to:

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gender neutral reader insert

gender neutral reader insert

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emmett cullen:

-you are the jessica's cousin who moved to forks after your parents were hospitalised. you were only supposed to stay until your parents recovered, but you begged them to let you stay in forks because you wanted to be with emmett.

-your father is jessica's uncle from her mothers side. jessica's mother was your fathers younger sister.

-you grew up frequently visting jessica during your holidays since you grew up in florida. 

rosalie hale: 

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rosalie hale: 

-you are jasper's great-great-great-great grandniece/grandnephew. 

-as it turns out, his younger sister annasophia got married and ended up having three kids. one of which was your grandfather. 

-you ended up signing up for an ancestry website and you found out about how your great uncle was a major in the confederate army who died under mysterious circumstances. 

-you thought the cause of death was kinda suss and wanted to investigate even more. 

-meanwhile with poor jasper, he had absolutely no idea he even had any family left since he thought they all died. 

-the only reason he found out about you was because alice had a vision of you meeting jasper and herself.

-she drove jasper to vancouver to meet you.

-you didn't believe them at first but then you looked at a photo of jasper from when he was a major and had no choice but to believe him. 

alice cullen: 

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alice cullen: 

-you are the esme's biological daughter/son. 

-we all know the tale of how esme had a miscarriage and lost her son. 

-what esme herself didn't know however was that she was pregnant with twins and that she only lost her son. 

-when she was found by carlisle, he heard the second heartbeat he used his quick thinking to remove you from her stomach. 

-once you were removed, you were taken to the denali's where you were taken care off since you were born prematurely. he took you to the denali coven because he wanted you to stay there until esme was under control. 

-the moment she met you, she was over the moon. she couldn't believe she actually had a child to begin with. she thought that her son was the only child she had so meeting you made her feel euphoric. 

-of course she still felt sad because of her son and she dedicated him by making his name your middle name. 

-you grew up knowing how carlisle and your mother were vampires. you were turned when you were eighteen because you feel ill and died because of it. 

jasper hale: 

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jasper hale: 

-you are the younger twin sister/brother to edward. 

-you both grew up really close. whenever he went somewhere you would follow him and vice versa.

-you were both best friends. 

-he would protect you from bullies and you would protect him from his fangirls. 

-you were both later on diagnosed with the spanish influeza. 

-you died after his mother and before him. 

-you were also turned before him as well. 

love bound → emmett cullen and rosalie hale Where stories live. Discover now