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third pov

"so what about victoria?"

 bella demanded glaring into hayley's eyes which now held a hint of fear in them. hayley had never seen bella so furious in her entire life.

"uh nothing!"

hayley exclaimed crossing her arms over her chest and looking away from bella. she tried not to think about victoria in edward's presence but she couldn't help the shiver of fear that escaped her when the memory of her nearly getting bitten crept its way into her head.

edwards eyes widened as he watched glimpses of her memories. hayley cussed when she saw the knowing look on his face. she tried to tell him to be quiet about it but to no avail he didn't listen.
"victoria is after hayley."

he announced to the whole family causing everyone but emmett and rosalie who growled to gasp.

"why didn't you tell me?"

bella demanded glaring lividly at hayley.

"because i didn't want you to! you don't have to know about everything in my life! i can handle it myself!"

 hayley exclaimed crossing her arms while bella scoffed.
"you can't handle everything yourself ok? it's ok to ask for help!"

 bella yelled glaring at hayley.

"i may not be able to but i can sure as hell try."

hayley growled glaring back at younger sister.

"you never used to be like this! what happened to the old hayley? the one who wasn't afraid to ask for help! where did she go!"

 bella screamed at hayley who took a deep breath and clenched her fists.

"she's dead bella. she died years ago."

hayley said stiffly before she made her way up to her room.

the cullen clan waited until hayley slammed the door shut before they began to talk once more

"this is all your fault."

 rosalie growled lividly as she stormed upstairs leaving emmett to apologise for both of his girlfriends behaviour. when he got into the room, he was greeted with the sight of hayley who was angrily stripping out of her clothes to get changed into some pyjamas while rosalie sat on the bed listening to her rant.

"i can't believe her."

hayley huffed as she sat down on top of the bed. rosalie immediately wrapped her long arms around hayley and pulled her into a warm, comforting hug.

"she's just worried about you babygirl."

emmett said trying to comfort his furious mate who only sighed and cuddled into rosalie more.

"i know she is but i hate it when she baby's me. i'm the older sibling, i should be doing it to her not the other way around."

hayley replied groggily as she let sleep overtake her.

as soon as their mate fell asleep, rosalie and emmett made their way downstairs and to the garage where the rest of their family were. rosalie stood still while emmett sprung into action, packing anything that he thought would be useful - spare batteries, portable gps, gasoline cans as well as extra clothes.

"i've had to fight our kind before, we're hard to kill."

jasper said.

"but not impossible, we'll tear him apart."

edward replied curtly cutting jasper off. his eyes were a dark glinted black colour which scared bella a little bit because she had never seen edward this angry before. sure he was when she was in the alley but he wasn't this furious. she also couldn't help but feel guilty because if it wasn't for her, the cullens wouldn't be in danger and they wouldn't have to chase after a rabid vampire who was after her. not anyone else just her.

"we'll rip him apart with our hands and then burn the pieces."

emmett growled with bloodlust. his eyes were the same colour as edward's.

"i don't relish in killing another creature. even a sadistic one like james."

carlisle stated forlornly.

"if he doesn't get to one of us first."

rosalie scoffed glaring at bella since she was the reason her family was now risking her life.

"this is insane, you can't put yourself at risk- for me." bella said horrified.

"too late."

rosalie said annoyed causing edward to shoot her a glare. rosalie shrugged and turned away. she

had better things to worry about then a pathetic human like bella.


edward growled lowly glaring heatedly at his blonde haired sister who looked indifferent. he then grabbed two sets of car keys and threw one set at carlisle who caught them with his vampire reflexes.

"i'll run bella south while you lead the tracker away."

edward announced. carlisle was quick to shake his head as he replied.

"no edward- the tracker thinks you won't leave bella. he'll follow you."

alice stepped forward pulling jasper along with her.
"i'll go with bella. jasper and i will run her south. don't worry edward, i'll keep her safe."

"can you keep your thoughts to yourself"

he snapped back while alice nodded.

"esme, rosalie put these on. the tracker will follow the scent."

edward demanded passing the two women some of bella's clothing. rosalie immediately dropped the clothes in disgust.

"why should i? what is she to me? just a danger you've inflicted on us."

 she hissed.

"rosalie. bella is with edward now. she's apart of this family. we protect our family."

esme said with a tone of finality as she stared at rosalie who huffed before picking up the clothes. carlisle opens the metal roller doors and squeezes his eldest sons shoulder before he got into the suv with esme right behind him.

as each family member leaves to do their part, rosalie looks at emmett.

"what about hayley?"

rosalie asked her husband worriedly. she didn't want anything to hayley while she was out risking her life for her sister.

"she'll be fine rose. alice will tell us if she see's anything."

emmett comforted his wife. alice nodded before she drove off with bella and jasper. rosalie and emmett had a moment before she sped back inside and wrote a quick letter to hayley who was still asleep. after she did this, she sped back and she began to do her job.

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