Chapter 1

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~ Hey guys! I'm so glad to be back with a part two to Imagination! I hope you like it!~

"Luke?" I call as I lock the door behind me. I throw my keys down on the counter, kicking off my shoes. The apartment that we share together still has a few unpacked boxes pushed up against the wall, but I'm no more motivated to go through them than I was yesterday, or the last two months.

"I'm right here," Luke replies distractedly, walking out of the master bedroom down the narrow hallway. He runs his fingers through his blond hair, twisting his lip ring around anxiously while his eyes are fixed on a piece of paper in his hands. He glances up at me, smiling brightly. "Hey, babe," he greets, bending down to kiss me. "How was work?"

"Good," I say with a smile as I hop onto the edge of the kitchen counter. "Michael picked Liv up for lunch today. They've slowly been spending more and more time together and Liv is absolutely thrilled. It's adorable."

Luke sets the paper down on the counter, placing his hands on either side of my hips. "I'm glad Michael's finally caught on. I was beginning to think that it would never happen."

I smile, nodding my head toward the paper he set down on the counter. "What's that?"

His expression turns somber as he flips the paper over. "Nothing, just my medical bill."

"From two months ago?" I ask, frowning. I shudder as I remember the night Luke overdosed on alcohol and almost died.

He drops my gaze, swallowing hard. "My parents said they weren't going to pay for me anymore, and I haven't gotten the chance to pay it yet what with college starting up again and renting the apartment." A silver sheen of tears shines in his eyes and my heart breaks.

Biting my lip, I put my arms around his neck. "Hey, we'll figure this out. Together," I add when he doesn't look so sure. "Your parents don't hate you; I'm sure if worse came to worse, they could help you out."

"I don't want to ask that of them," Luke murmurs. "They've already gone through so much..."

After Luke got out of the hospital, him and his parents came to a tentative truce. They helped us move into our new apartment just before college started back up again, but we haven't seen them in a few weeks. Ben is scheduled to come back from the UK shortly, and with Jack and Celeste finally on their honeymoon, Liz and Andy have finally had time to focus on their own problems.

My brows draw together as I try to rack my brain for some way to get the money. Medical bills aren't cheap.

Luke runs his thumb over my cheekbone, giving me a small, sad smile. "Hey, don't worry about it."

"Luke, I can't not worry about you."

He presses his lips to mine gently, sliding his hand into my hair. I grip the front of his shirt and pull him closer, hooking my foot around his leg. Luke's other hand slips underneath the hem of my T-shirt and I shiver involuntarily at his touch. He moans softly as I nip gently at his lip. Lifting me up off the counter, he carries me down the hallway to the bedroom.

"What time is your first class tomorrow morning?" I say quietly, breathless as he throws his shirt on the ground.

"Ten," he murmurs against my mouth as he peels off my shirt. "Besides, I don't mind being a little sleep deprived," he adds with a smirk.

I grin as I fumble with his belt buckle. His lips collide with mine once more as we slide sideways on the bed, our limbs tangling together. I hook my leg around his hip, bringing him closer-

A sharp knock sounds on our front door and we jump apart. Luke mutters a colorful curse under his breath, quickly pulling back on his clothes as he stumbles to get the door. I throw on one of Luke's oversized shirts and follow him, running my fingers through my hair in an attempt to smooth it down.

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