Chapter 38

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Luke called the university and explained the situation to them. He's been bringing by notes and work assigned to me by my teachers since I can't put any weight on my foot for a week. I called Lynn and told her I couldn't come into work, and she sent me a thumbs-up and told me to take it easy until my foot healed.

But after three days of sitting around at home doing nothing, I'm getting bored. Especially when a good portion of my day is spent all alone in the apartment. Luke has to go to work at Oliver's and his classes and on top of all of that, he's been trying to get a real job. Something that pays higher than working as a busboy for a restaurant on the pier.

I pause my episode of Glee as the door opens and Luke walks in, carrying bags of groceries. He kicks the door shut with his foot, smiling at me as he sets the bags down on the kitchen counter. "Hey, babe," he greets as he presses his lips to mine. I smile as I slide a hand into his hair, drawing him down to me. But he pulls away too soon, moving back into the kitchen.

"Nooo," I whine, pouting as I look upside down at him. "Come back."

Luke laughs as he starts putting the groceries away. "Kat, I have to make dinner and do my school work. You're lucky, you have so much time to get yours done."

"We can order takeout," I suggest, twisting to look at him. "And I can help you with your school work. But it'll cost you," I add with a wink.

"Finish your show," is all he says.

I sigh, turning back to unpause the tv. I snuggle down into the fluffy blanket I made Luke drag into the living room for me. Finn and Rachel are arguing about something, but I don't care anymore. I just want Luke.

I hear him banging around in the kitchen and wish I was allowed to walk so I didn't have to be stuck on this couch all day. I'd run out of interesting things to do. I rewatched all of the Office in the first two days. I've taken so many naps that it's a miracle I can still go to bed at the same time Luke does. I've even done all of my school work and called Calum for two hours.

Calum and Michael flipped out when they heard about my broken ankle. My mom was less upset than they were. Calum stopped by as soon as he could and made sure that I was ok. Michael came by a few hours after him and I was relieved to see that our awkward kiss didn't ruin our friendship. He told me that he finally got the balls to ask Liv out and she said yes.

Ashton stopped by earlier today to bring me lunch because Luke was stuck at Oliver's for an extra shift and he watched a movie with me before he had to head out. I'm so bored. What do you do when your stuck on a couch all day?

Luke walks out of the kitchen, carrying two bowls of pasta. I smile as I take my bowl, covering his legs with my blanket as he settles down beside me. I start to eat my food, frowning when I notice the nervous look on Luke's face and the way he keeps fiddling with his lip ring instead of eating.

I set down my bowl, pausing the tv as I turn to face him. "What's wrong?" I ask gently. "And don't lie to me, I know there's something."

He swallows, looking down at his food. "I think I can get a job as a math substitute teacher, if I get my teaching license."

"Luke!" I exclaim happily. "That's great!"

His brows draw together as he frowns. "But I won't get to see you as much."

"Luke, we live together," I say with a smile. Is this really what he's worried about? "We'll see plenty of each other." He still doesn't look fully convinced, so I shift on the couch, squeezing his hand with one of mine. "Hey, it'll be ok. You should take the job, if that's what you really want."

"It takes a while to get a teaching license anyways," he says slowly. "Besides, I'm not taking any job until you can walk again. I'm not just going to leave you here by yourself for so long."

I smile as I rest my head against his shoulder. "You're cute when you worry."

"Oh yeah?" he says with a grin. Luke moves on the couch so there isn't an inch of space between us, tilting his head down so his mouth hovers just above mine. "You're cute when you're screaming my name."

I blush furiously, my stomach flipping when he kisses me. It's gentle at first, like he wants to savor it, drawing it out. I shift so I'm straddling his lap, my legs on either side of his hips, nipping lightly at his lower lip. He smashes our lips together with more force, groaning against me. I slip one hand beneath his T-shirt, running my fingers over his bare stomach. He shivers, clutching me closer.

"What do you say we take this to the bedroom?" he mumbles in my ear, breaking away for a split second before kissing me again.

I gasp as I pull away slightly to reply. "Best idea you've had all day."

He grins as he throws the blanket off of us, getting to his feet. I keep my legs locked around his waist, kissing up and down his neck as he stumbles down the hallway. My back hits the mattress and I pull Luke down on top of me, smiling up at him. He whispers my name as he kisses along my jawline.

I frown when he pulls back, pushing myself up on my elbows. "What's wrong?"

Luke runs a hand through his hair nervously, chewing on his lip ring. What's bothering him? Just a minute ago he was fine. Now he looks like he's sweating. "I-I..." He can't finish his sentence, so he swallows and takes a deep breath.

"Luke, what's going on?" I ask, panicking a little bit. "You're starting to freak me out."

He slides off of the bed, gazing up at me with a vulnerable look in his wide blue eyes. My heart is beating so hard that I'm sure he can hear it. What's going on? Please say that he wasn't breaking up with me. I can't go through that again, I can't.

"What are you doing?" I ask again, quieter this time.

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a second before opening them again. Slowly, he pulls a little black box from his pocket. My eyes widened in surprise and I covered my mouth with a hand. With awkward movements, Luke opens the box. A gorgeous diamond ring is gently tucked inside.

"I know we've only been dating for a few months, but you have to know how much I love you," Luke says softly, his eyes wide and sincere.

Tears start flowing down my cheeks and I'm too shocked to move or say anything.

"I love the way you tie your shoes in a thousand little knots because you're always worried about tripping over something. I love how you're cuddly when you're tired. I love the way you always have to sleep with the fan on. I love the secret smile you always seem to save just for me. I love everything about you, Kat. I don't know much about my future, but I do know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" He asks the last part in a quieter voice, almost as if he's afraid that I'm going to reject him.

I can only nod. I'm crying too much to speak.

He looks equal parts relieved and elated as he slides the ring on my finger. I throw myself off the bed into his arms, crying into his shoulder as I hold him close. He's everything I've ever wanted, everything I'll ever want.

"I love you," I say when my tears slow down a little.

He kisses my cheek. "I love you too."

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